These new forums are... well okay maybe not so bad

Yeah, looks like I’m never getting to level 3. I only read the WrA forums, there’s no chance of me being involved in 500 topics.


This might be something they’re working on adding/rectifying. But I agree, it can become a security issue.

Yeah, agreed. All of this is just one big fart nuggets.

Oh well, I’m not even supposed to be here lol. I’m not paying for this game!

I don’t like it. Give me my pages back. I don’t need another social media account Blizz.

This is like some mesh of Tumblr, Discord, and Twitter. You tried to mix several things together and have just succeeded in making a mediocre version of all three. Just what I expected.

Kinda reminiscent of how communities turned out, isn’t it?


None of us do, or ever will.

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Yup. Which I expected, honestly. I tell you both of these are some ploy from the marketing execs.

At the moment, I’m just like, can’t block my cyberstalker.

[Reeeeeeing Intensifies]



Do you need a hug? Do you want to hug my bear form to make everything better?

don’t talk about me like i’m not here


The requirements aren’t too bad, imo. You only have to view those threads and posts. Replies are only like, what, 10 threads? Viewing this thread alone has over 700 posts put towards that 20K count. Being consistent is the hardest part, but, eh, this forum is bookmarked and I mostly only visit the same like five sites everyday anyway.

Don’t worry, Zan! Elune will protect you.

Wait… :thinking:

I find the new reply mechanisms to be quite confusing… I feel as though it were much more effective to just use the block quotes. Ah well.

I do like seeing when there are folks typing up replies.

But also some thread formatting features were botched. :frowning:

This is such a mixed bag of an update. Aieeeeeeeee

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Still, I think that’s a bit too much. I feel like Blizz is trying to oppress us more and make it less fun. :frowning:

Fans tailfeathers. You’re fine. :peacock:

… Womp womp. :peacock:

I can agree with that, on some level. I think part of the reason they implemented Trust Levels is to help field people so that they don’t need to monitor things quite so extensively. Particularly things as powerful as external links and videos. Blizzard maintains a T-Rating for World of Warcraft and related communities, so it’s important for them to monitor and address content immediately that falls outside of the ESRB Rating.

Yeah, most of the upper trust level stuff is giving trusted users abilities that would be super abused by trolls otherwise. Most of the standard forum features you’ll get just posting normally like always.

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Okay I’m back! Wow, it looks like there’s been a lot of chat since I was gone? I think… I’ll need to read up.

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