I’m actively dithering whether to re-sub to WoW or SWTOR. I’m kinda turned off WoW at the moment, but I do still have some Horde-side BfA stuff I haven’t finished…
also, this “body is unclear, is it a complete sentence?” is more annoying then it’s worth
MFW I should be WQing but only to stay in here, watching this thread
I’ve got that Silent Protector meme of Baenura or Azhaar somewhere on my phone if that’s any encouragement.
I was about to post snippets of My Immortal on here before I had to again remind myself that this was not discord.
Me but replace WQing with Doom on my Xbox. Or releveling my Hunter in Destiny.
i honestly think wow is better in terms of RP and gameplay. SWTOR’s only really got the class stories going for it, as far as I know RP is pretty dead, unfortunately. (not that wow is in a great spot rn)
…wait, the what?
for real discord is much better then this, I believe
I need to do things on WoW but Nintendo switch is far more interesting and i already have the gold i need to buy the three frog mounts in 8.1
So bleh!
yeah, what
The new forums make it really hard to do the rare rounds in Arathi.
alright, everyone, Spyro reignited trilogy
hi bae. what’s up
what are your thoughts?
I have a meme from the pet forums from ages ago somebody made with all the regular posters set up as DnD Alignments with me being chaotic evil.
I was insulted. I’m Lawful evil at worst.
These forum changes are nothing more than a cheap tactic to destroy the legacy of Her Glory, Rightful Ruler of Lordaeron, chosen by the People of Lordaeron, successor to all territories north of the Thandol Span, Her Forever in Shadow, Banshee Queen Sylvanas Windrunner.
I am disgusted they would attempt to besmirch both Her Glory and my own efforts on these forums after years of dedicated service. Blizzard, you can expect to be hearing from the attorneys of the Undercity, former capitol of the Forsaken. We do not yet have deep, dark chambers to discuss your crimes thanks to the Alliance…but we shall find new accommodations for you soon.
Not a fan of the new Scrolling Layout. It takes an eternity to get to the bottom of a Thread this size.
no you.
Sylvanas Windrunner is a , and that’s the