Here it is:
So after rewatching and reading too much Harry Potter, I had the following idea stuck in my head for days: Hogwarts in Azeroth!
Now before you all point at Dalaran’s academies, I remind you that arcane magic is only one type of the many different kinds existing in WoW. My vision here has a school offering training in ALL the magics. The only one of its kind on Azeroth. Which means that young mages, druids, shamans, priests, warlocks, and even necromancers all receive their education in this hypothetical school.
I picture a castle in Dustwallow Marsh where Tabetha’s cottage used to be. In fact, Tabetha is the headmistress! The benefactor of the school is one of her Goblin students who either became or married rich in Gadgetzan. They would name it something gross/kooky, like Slugmire School of Magical Arts and Sciences.
Slugmire would take in students around ages 11-18 just like Hogwarts, and upon graduation many of them can go to Dalaran/Moonglade/The Cathedral for further training. It would mainly be attended by kids from Eastern and Southeastern Kalimdor and students are invited based on their magical/spiritual potential or academic prowess. Because of the school’s proximity to Gadgetzan, many different races are represented by the student population. From humans to orcs, murlocs to ogres, and naga to blood elves, any child with magical potential can be a sluggy slug.
As for the actual education, the first year would be mostly general magical theory with a few basic introductory courses in areas of magic chosen by the student. Second year is when they choose what track to pursue. Now it’s probably not a good idea to let 12-year olds work with fel, void, or death magic right off the bat so aspiring warlocks, shadow priests, and necromancers will most likely need a solid foundation in the arcane, light magic, and druidism respectively. Unlike Hogwarts, there WILL be math and language classes. I mean c’mon, what kinda school doesn’t have algebra?
With the Gadgetzan area boasting such a high number of talented spellcasters, there should be no shortage of competant teachers.
I can see elective subjects include all the professions we have in game. Herbalism would probably be mandatory for those on the druid track.
A sport I could see being popular among the druid students would be a version of ulama where players can shift in and out of forms during the game.
We have flying broomstick mounts already, so WoW quidditch could be a reality!
I’m rambling here at this point, but I just really love the idea of a magical boarding school in WoW’s setting.