These new forums are... well okay maybe not so bad

You’re on your way to Trust Level 1, Zunde.

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you can say dick but you can’t say the f word

you get more with Trust level 1 or something


<3 character limit

EDIT: Wouldn’t even post this on the old forum, but damn does it feel like discord now

Frick frack paddy whack!

blizzarr give trust


Hi, I’m a thot. :kissing_closed_eyes: :sweat_drops::sweat_drops:


I will achieve ultra trust instinct and then probably get banned for out of context name dropping something naughty


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im about to ping you on discord and express my thoughts.

Yeah that all sounds about right and standard. Bless FFTA for letting you minmax super hard and just generally break the game. I need to finish my replay of FFTA2 but I don’t remember where I left off.

I never thought you’d be a thot until I thought I taw a thotty tat.

How the heck do people with lisps live?!

I trust you, Targai.

Right? I feel like it’s like…living in Soviet.

I guarantee I’ll get into crap with Blizzard again. I wonder if the ban feature works any differently now.


Bob, do something!

i trust you too, rufaic.

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The forbidden combination.

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That’s a mistake if I ever heard one.

Everyone’s favorite thot

now see here