These fury nerfs are absolutely ridiculous

These Fury nerfs are absolutely ridiculous. Especially this early when gear and 2p/4p is had to come by, the numbers will change drastically over the next couple of weeks. It’s going to make fury one of the worst classes. They’re already struggling full single target to be competitive. Fury warriors actually be good at cleaving is the best feel for the class and makes them fun to play. Truly just makes me not want to play because of this crap. Feels like I’m being forced to reroll… no warrior love around here.


Good thing these nerfs quite literally aren’t going to have any significant impact on Fury in raid.


I don’t care about the -2% Raid damage, it’s the M+ burst.


Fury warriors are simply destroying the Mythics.

This small nerf will have no real effect.


You will be okay champ

Its like a 6% nerf on AoE. Fury will be more than fine!
Edit: My math was wrong. Its actually like a 2-3% loss on AoE.


A quick glance at WCL at different percentiles shows fury literally DESTROYING every class on almost every fight. It needs more nerfs tbh.


Actually its doesnt. The other classes need to be buffed. Some people say to nerf it because they dont understand warriors. If you nerf them more, then their talent tree gets completely destroyed. Thats when warriors become too slow to play and they have to funnel Haste.


I have been surprised by the multitarget sims each time I find a new piece of gear whereas Haste, currently for me, seems to have a lower value than Mastery or even Crit/Vers. My Haste is also what I consider low at around 14-15%.

It makes sense from a dungeon/multitarget perspective when I pop off pull to pull with all cooldowns going. If it comes out to 6% AoE nerf like Curoar stated then it shouldn’t have a massive impact overall, at this time.

I actually need to correct myself, because smarter people than me (verified by Skyhold, the Warrior Discord) have done better math. Its looking to be a 2.2% loss AoE loss in raid, and roughly a 3% AoE loss in M+.

These nerfs are literally baby nerfs.

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Why your pfp is a literal gun barrel???

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Hey look boys, another nerf!

Well, seems like Warr isn’t going to lose just another 2% overall damage. Like I said in another post, Warriors will never be good because Blizzard don’t want to. A mostly useless class that can’t top damage meters. Again, I wouldn’t mind not having utility if we had the damage to compensate, which was almost the case this xpac but as I suspected, here comes the nerf wave for Fury. It’s the whole Crushing Blow all over over again…


Called it. When literal monkeys can slam their keyboard on adds and do 500k more dps in the fight than anyone else, while still doing the same ST blizz doesn’t like that.

That’s the problem with being the top dps by a large margin, it puts on the radar for the nerf bat.

In the immortal words of Quicksilver from Avengers: Age of Ultron: “What? You didn’t see that coming?”

It’s funny cause that’s only the case for some very few specs in the game. I recall a whole season that Hunters were top dps in EVERY scenario and they kept them strong the whooole way. Or that time Assassin rogue was basically a must have for some keys in BfA, also the Frost mage prior to that. Oh yeah can’t forget the SPriest in DF with their busted tier set for 2 whole seasons topping every AoE pull and ST with zero effort plus their raid buff and PI.
But the moment that specs, that are usually the underdog of the tier list, like Subtetly, Arcane, Survival and Fury get some “shinning” they’re IMMEDIATLY nerfed, literally before the season EVEN starts. Blizzard DOES have their favorites and it shows. I’m not against nerfs, specially in OVERperfoming specs. The moment someone came to me like “We need a Fury warrior in this comp to get this encounter/dungeon done” then I would be down for a nerf like these ones before the tier set and all that, but alas. Fury will still be good, won’t be the end of the world, but it’s pathetic to see them slowly go back to the mid because god forbid that spec be meta once in it’s lifetime. Reason why I stopped maining it in the first place.


I feel ya. But honestly, I don’t think Fury will be mid. I think they’ll go from awesome to merely great.

Not a bad place to be.

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they are awful developers


that was hilarious >.<

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If you aren’t topping meters now, you never will. Better just re-rip a different class. Sorry bud.