These fury nerfs are absolutely ridiculous

I’m not playing Warrior, because I know Fury will get toned down to mid, as always has been. You and the previous guy didn’t seem to get It when I said Warriors will always be useless and won’t top damage meters because Blizzard doesn’t want them to, it’s the whole reason why they’re getting nerfed in the first place. They could’ve let Fury be the top damage spec in this Raid, it’s literally one day before mythic. The reason they’re nerfing them It’s because they don’t want to see Warrior stack in a comp. And I can say this with confidence because the only 2 times more than 2 Warriors were in a World First Raid comp was in Shadowlands (prob due to Banner buffing the actual good dps’s), when there were times that they would bring 5 rogues because of their insane damage, or 4 mages, 5 monks… Ask If they were hit with the nerf bat days before the mythic release lol. I’ll laugh so hard If they nerf Fury mid run, It will be hilarious.
Fury isn’t OP and never has been, they’re in a good spot where they can use their cds in key moments and abuse their burst windows. Eventually these nerfs will get to them and down the rail It goes, again.


someone on the development team just hates warriors, there is no other explanation

maybe they hate warriors cuz asmongold plays a warrior lol and they hate him

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Because Im just a walking talking gun. No gnome, all gun

dude you not understanding that its 6% nerf if you have full bis gear, so if you dont have full bis gear its like a 10-20% nerf for us especially if you dont have your stat weights right or the correct trinkets its wayyyyyyyyy worse of a nerf man like dude its 6% for the best bis most geared world first warriors the rest of us got cucked big time

That’s not how math works at all. 3% of your ability damage is still going to be 3% of your ability damage regardless if you’re geared or not.

If something like Fury’s Rage Generation or uptime on Recklessness was changed, than yes you’d have some merit about players being affected at different amounts. That’s not the case with these nerfs. They’re flat number values that affect everyone equally regardless of gear.



There ya go.

Please tell me this is sarcastic :pray:

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What in the heck? Please tell me you’re not using “Pawn.”

Yeah… just, I really hope so as well.

Bumping this now that Mythic is out, people have tier, and Frost DK, Enhance Shaman, Arcane Mage, Ret Pally, and Several other specs that blizzard had the tier set data on are far better. Now look at WCL and tell me where the fury War’s are when you have a 2-4 set that is 1.7% damage buff vs 14% for enhance or even 8% for DH…

And look who got nerfed again for the 20th anniversary? FURY! What a surprise. As someone who is an analyst by trade it’s pretty hilarious how ignorant so many of these posts are… Fury is great on Broodtwister and Queen and that’s it. But there’s this other thing called M+… and this other thing called “Utility”.

Every spec I listed has actual utility, some have INSANE utility (Rogue and Mage). But they all have at least some utility.

So Blizz, you gonna change our tier set to be something that’s actually enjoyable and impactful? Or maybe give the frothing beserker spec leading everyone into battle that thing called BLOODLUST… because thematically it fits fury more than Shaman, mage, or hunter pets.

It really hasn’t been that long since you made us the only spec capped at 5 targets… and we saw how that went. If a class brings no utility, it should be doing more damage… because it’s not bringing anything else to the group. Especially in a gameplay that only has 5 people and 3 dps spots… why bring a Fury war doing less damage than a Frost DK by insane margins already pre November nerf when Prot will basically be doing as much as target capped fury and DK brings Brez, Grip, AMZ, and is toppings meters in both AOE and ST… once you get up to high keys and things live long enough to survive fury’s burst damage their dps drops off a cliff, where as your have Frost DK, Enhance Shaman, Ele Shaman, Arcane and Frost Mage, Assassination Rogue, who all bring incredible group utility and better bursts and sustain profiles than fury. Better Defensives as well which you decided to make significantly more important this season/Xpac with the death penalty increase. Oh yeah and Aug is an auto spot again who would have guessed… (when is DH gonna get a third spec by the way? You could literally just split up momentum DH and BFA demonic DH and call it a day… or actually get creative with it… but the whispers are about a shaman tank before a 3rd DH spec but I digress)

TLDR; you’ve nerfed fury enough, the target cap experiment failed miserably already insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. You have the high ilvl/tier set/high key data… time to revert those nerfs or at least give fury better sustain… or some utility like we’ve been asking for since forever now.

-signed ; A player since beta who’s first 60 was a war and was so excited to finally be able to do a first tier on my fury war… and the first tier since night hold where I’ve actually enjoyed raiding on fury. Happy 20th (remembering the Days where fury was actually good 20 years ago)


LOL well that was a ****ing lie


I believe that the initial nerf Fury received was warranted (you guys were light years ahead of everybody else). We paladins also received nerfs (again, warranted).

But the difference is that blizz didn’t stop nerfing you guys. On THAT I can agree with. I think they were heavy-handed and went overboard. The first nerf at maybe a slightly lower percentage would have been okay.

But yeah, they overdid it. No argument.


Its it? Fury is still being bought for the fights it was good at (6/8 of them), and the two fights it isn’t good at were already fights people swapped to Arms for.

If you wana argue it’s negative effects on M+ sure, I’ll agree with that. However, Fury isn’t seeing less play due to the nerfs in Abub’Ar Palace.

We get it but there is no need to start a new thread daily in the warrior and the general fourm. Just use the existing ones.

Don’t worry there will be another thread up within the hour. :upside_down_face:

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Right but at what cost

Well, when will Fury be compensated? Next raid release? Cause until then what are Fury mains supposed to do? Raids and log off? Yikes

They’re still able to do all content outside of raid logging which is M+ where warriors are doing fine in either dps spec score wise while also having a solid option of playing prot if they’re keen on tanking and PvP where fury is a meta option.

Outside of that if all you feel like doing is Raid logging between weekly 10s by all means use that spare time to hit the gym or enjoy other hobbies.

Hahahahahahaha man you were so wrong lol.


We got nerfed YET AGAIN.


The problem here isn’t how bad the nerfs are, and it’s disingenuous to just spit out numbers devoid of any context. If I get a little poop in your ice cream when serving you, you wouldn’t allow me to say “it’s only a little poop”.

Nerfing us by even 1% while buffing frost DKs by over 5% in the same patch is just crazy. I don’t care that it’s only 2% AOE. I care that we are losing 2% AOE in a world where we’re already doing worse than the spec that’s getting buffed by 7-8%.

And frankly, I wouldn’t care about doing lower dps than other specs if we had any unique utility whatsoever. And no, shockwave doesn’t count when everyone has AOE stops and battle shout doesn’t count when you can just bring a prot warrior (if you even really care about the 5% attack power in your comp).