There's too much Elune in the game. What?

I mean, Vashj basically went straight for maldraxxus, so if you’re really strong some war crime or two might be overlooked to get you on the shadowlands army.


Personally I found they were kind of vague on it. :person_shrugging:

I argued they did away with that rule in another thread & got raged @ about it – but anyway … Doesn’t really change the fact though that they’d have to play nice with other races they once despised — Especially Tyrande, as she’s rather xenophobic outside of the Alliance. :person_shrugging:

Where did this happen? It’s vicious enough that I’m surprised it’s never seemed to come up before in arguments about Tyrande.

Tyrande isn’t xenophobic. What you’re going on about?

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My own theory here, but it seemed like Vashj went to Maldraxxus because of her devotion to something other than herself - her devotion to servitude of Azshara. Not so much just her strength. Garrosh may have been strong but he was doing stuff for his own purpose and gain, which may be why Maldraxxus was like “nah… we good”

Well, Tyrande does come off as a very rude harridan during the Siege of Orgrimmar. The way she brings up Voljin’s race.

When he sees her, Voljin says her name in awe and gratitude, and she is all:

“I’m not here for you, TROLL… I’m here for Kalimdor!”


Interesting. She has been the open way for negotiations for worgen and draenei joining the alliance, but maybe she carries some prejudice towards trolls, or maybe is just due to normally trolls and night elves being at odds. Night elves in general are agressive at the start but willing to negotiate.

Tyrande is also like “Lets help those from suramar so they can fight for themselves and i dont lose more people here”. She seems to have a very “our people first” policy.

She mentions something along those lines when you speak to her. That her devotion to others is what ultimately got her sent to Maldraxxus instead of Revendreth. Maldraxxus appreciates those with a willingness to serve


Eh, not so much her specifically but moreso the Night Elf people.
— In WC3 they were extremely distrusting & hostile to anyone who wasn’t part of their secluded group & would present harsh consequences to those who entered their forests on sight.

Masses of them could be viewed by many as extremely xenophobic whereas others are less so, albeit that comes into question whether or not they’re the exception to the rule … The ones who were best described as ‘xenophobic’ would be so towards those who didn’t fall in line with their laws of the forest or share their views on magic, however as a people they have made long strides in character-development since then – especially during the Cataclysm.

  • Fandral especially was one of such who was distrustful of any outsiders, so much as even expressing outright disgust towards the tauren druids taught by Hamuul Runetotem.

Overall –

As an entire populace, perhaps the Nightelves were less ‘Xenophobic’ and more appropriately best described as ‘Enigmatic’ for the most part, but in a relatively hostile & cold kind of way. :person_shrugging:

Tyrande has hardly been very friendly to outsiders either, hence why I mentioned her displaying such characteristics.

Its from one of the supplementary materials from the start of Cata, Orcs needed food but Tyrande was bitter about the (false flag) attack on the Nelf druids (entirely ignoring the tauren druids who were also killed, so she was insanely spiteful when the prospect of the orcs trading for food was brought up.


I think isolationist would be a better term, but xenophobic works, those could be applied to Pre wc3 night elves in general, they did have a policy of shoot first ask second when someone got in their forests and started chopping down trees.

But Tyrande has been the person to push against that and listen to reason.

In general, Tyrande is just… very prickly. She has a lot of traits that are really bad in a leader, honestly. Malfurion has generally been her counterbalance by being far more level headed about most things.


Tyrande displayed quite the form of xenophobia towards the Nightborne.

In the books, she also lunged at the opportunity to slag off the other Horde races even when it wasn’t necessary – such as the trial of Garrosh … Although the books are rarely acknowledged by the devs writing team (sadly, because Baine is actually really cool in Warcrimes).

But yeah :grimacing: Tyrande is a working progress but I find Malfurion to be the more welcoming one than her. However she has displayed a closer bond with those within the Alliance, so I suppose that’s a start. lol


The problem is he’s rarely actually there to be the counterbalance and seems to be very disconnected with the mortal goings-on based off some of his dialog.

I legit think its almost out of character for him to not suck it up and join the other druids and shamans at Silithus in BFA to heal the planet. Not that he wouldn’t be furious about the attacks, but a crisis where the planet itself is dying seems like a bad time to decide that war is more important than your calling

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That would be more… they hid in a bubble and left everyone in the Kaldorei resistance to die. That is a fine detail of the Nightborne they tried to backpedal on in BFA, but they never quite made it believable.

I guess the angle you can take is even if Teldrassil was planted out of hubris, it was ultimately accepted by the red and green aspects as worthy of their blessing, and so was important to protect from a druidic perspective.

I have always wondered if Afrasiabi had gotten more stuff pushed through before he got unceremoniously shown the curb if the horde would of turned to Nordrassil next.


There was a trash mob-tier old god in TBC, they really aren’t as special as we make them out to be, I’m thinking. The four on Azeroth just had time to nap and eat a bit.

Yeah, but it was already gone by the time BFA kicks off in earnest.

Being enraged over Teldrassil is perfectly understandable but there’s other nelves who saw the bigger picture and sat out the war, and its not like the world quests didn’t indicate the Barrens was getting brutalized again but Hamuul and co along with the Earthen ring were down there.

I feel like he should have swallowed his rage, gone down to Silithus, and mellowed out as he saw everyone focusing on keeping the planet alive even with their friends/families at risk due to the war. Malfurion coming back a voice for peace might have made the end of the war seem less abrupt.

The void lords throw the things out like shotgun pellets and don’t care if most don’t hit planets. They are 100% expendable.

To top it even further, Tyrande is a Suramaritan (suramanian? Suramajin?). Thats her howetown, she probably has cousins or long lost relatives there, the spite with the nightborne is purely because in her perspective they cowarded in the WOtA while the resistsnce fought.

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The definition of xenophobic is “having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.” — Tyrande most definitely displayed attributes of such throughout:

  • The Suramar campaign, by regarding the city in the wrongful hands of the Nightborne due to being a bunch of “mana-addicts” (Dialog shared outside Suramar, with elves gathered en masse)
  • and most importantly — shown again later, during the Nightborne recruitment scenario where she reflects Tyrande’s stagnant behaviour & dislike of the Nightborne people in the conversation exchange with Thalyssra.

Thalyssra had confessed towards Lady Liadrin that she formerly & originally thought to ally themselves with her kin from Kalimdor, the Night-Elves as “obvious allies” but stated their arrogance & mistrust to the entirety of her people had soon proved otherwise — Thalyssra had then shared a magical projection of her conversation with Tyrande which reflected such too.

Azerothian deities and mythology is severely lacking


How can you be Xenophobic towards your own hometown? No, it was more she saw them as cowardly highborne who hid under a rock and left the world to die. She expected very little of Thalyssra, certainly. You have to remember at this point in time the Shen’dralar were still treated very poorly also, and they were humbled by the destruction of their city and reduced to refugees begging to to be given basic tolerance and a roof above their heads. It was only after offering up their own lives in their efforts for the WoT that they won actual respect and a place at the table.

The Nightborne are a nearly perfectly preserved piece of a time and culture that Tyrande would much rather of been washed away in the sundering.