I still can’t believe this topic is still up for debate on the forums, I also still can’t believe that people can still defend the right to (in a metaphorical sense) stone people to death in the street that say things they disagree with. No you shouldn’t have ban powers; nor should you have admin, flyhax, or GM. Its just common sense at this point that giving PLAYERS the ability to vote ban people in the game is not a good idea for a social-based MMORPG.
Its the same reason I don’t give people the power to kick or ban people out of my guild or discord, because it not going to work in an active community. People will argue, communicate, fight each other, coordinate as a team, or start rivalries of their own because that’s what communities are, and thats what classic is, a community dependent game, and that’s what those communities will do because they are Humans, not robots, therefore they should be moderated by Humans and not robots.
I don’t know how much more clearly I can spell this out to you but I’ll say it again…