There's only one tanking class

Took about 30seconds to find a 25man group with no paladin tank. A warrior and a druid for you.

Want to cry more about being mediocre?

Completely disingenuous. I’ve tanked all of Ulduar, that doesn’t mean prot paladins aren’t heavily overtuned.

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But that does mean they’re not required.

Your class is overtuned, deal with it.

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Why are you whining so much? Your class isn’t being excluded. Maybe you are, but that’s on you.

Get over it, pallies deserve a nerf.

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Get over what?

Get over that fact.

What fact? You’re whiny? Okay.

Nerf paladins, they’re so overtuned the paladin defenders resort to trolling to try and derail the conversation.

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So overturned I can make a warrior cry all morning.

We feed off your tears.

Don’t worry bud, I’ll be on the forums to remind you of the fact.

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It’s not about inclusion for him, Bonereaver. He just can’t stand the fact that all 3 paladin specs are in good standing atm.

He should just play Vanilla at this point, where Warriors are king and paladins only heal.

This log didn’t kill Algalon or Yogg0. Using any tank other than a Paladin is just making it harder for no reason. I have a Prot warrior myself and I feel squishy my AOE threat is trash and I offer no utility outside of shout or intervening the MT on Algalon lol. Sure any tank CAN clear everything but its extremely sub optimal and stupid to do if you have access to a Paladin.

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Give me a few mins and I’m sure I can find an Alg kill w/o a paladin tank.

If you want an easy game that’s on you. This game is easy enough.

We all know you can clear with any tanks but the fact you need to actively search for a kill with no paladin is telling in itself. No searching is required to find a kill that doesn’t have a prot warrior lol


Actively? It takes 30seconds…

About the same time to find any log.

Go to Allstars and just search non paladin tanks.

See, the second a non-paladin comes in to discuss the matter they immediately don’t take your side.

You are utterly ridiculous.

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I know you want an easy game.

Do I? Or is it paladins who truly want it easy by defending their overtuning?

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