There's one way to save this from being WoD 2.0

Because now is when he can get attention making a post trolling about it.


I understand that you’re trying to debate or something but I’m just asking if you agree? Like it’s not that hard just admit that taking the fundamentals doesn’t help the game whether it’s group content or solo?

Calculating in years when we are supposed to calculate them in expansions why the three expansions lack feedback and lack answers from developers is due to the designs in those particular expansions that were blocking them.

Now, in dragonflight there is no red tapes or whatever else negative now they have more resources and more free time to do the things that needs to be done and they have been transparent during dragonflight.

If you want them to improve list those idea like what they need to improve on? Because so far they have been pretty consistent on the communication.

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Reread your last sentence and tell me if it makes sense.

I am not sure what I’m meant to try and agree or disagree with.


It’s kind of hard to explain if you haven’t done the raid yet. It really manages what people either want to see or takes up that expectation in a small way. Changing the aspects of the game like that doesn’t benefit ANY players besides a select few so why would blizzard not tell us about it? No patch notes no nothing? Tell me that makes sense to ANYONE

I EXPECT them to at least loop me in on a team meeting from time to time. Like, they haven’t sent me the minutes from any meetings in like….ever. It’s almost like I don’t work there. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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This is communication with details of what is being done and fixed and being adjusted.


The patch notes I mentioned were clearly just a metaphor, we need much more cooperation with not only blizzard but also our fellow players

What you fail to understand, is the garrison was the content in WoD. If you worked it on your alt army, you didn’t have time to do anything else in the game.

You also got crazy rich with gold.
(Outside the garrison, WoD was pretty junk until the last patch)

Dragonflight is just boring to me thus far. The gating of everything isn’t interesting. I heard it was worse in SL.

See if they can add content but I don’t see how because this game has been using the same formula for like 10+ years. It goes up and down how much treadmill they add but its always chasing the gear and more often than not a really badly written story with forced quests and forced rep grinds.

They will not waste their time with the forums they most likely will just skim through some stuff and take it under advisement.

Wait, is the sky failing?!?

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I can’t see doing the same stuff I’ve done the last 2 weeks for the next several months. I’m already sick of dungeons and don’t see doing them over and over each week. I think I’ll be cancelling my subs and maybe come back at the end of the expansion. This has been the worst expansion I’ve played in terms of lack of content so early.

WoW forums understanding terms challenge = Impossible!

When people say WoD 2.0 it has nothing to do with communication (which has been much higher compared to previous expansions by far), it has to do with how the expansion was shipped and how much content is released for it. That’s why one of the big questions asked of Blizzard about Shadowlands is “With the delays, is Shadowlands going to be a WoD 2.0” because WoD was the first expansion to not have a full patch release cycle when compared to previous expansions.

And what do you know, despite Ion Hazzikostas saying that Shadowlands would have a full patch cycle and wouldn’t be ‘WoD 2.0’ it became WoD 2.0 because it had a large portion of content cut to meet deadlines.

By comparison, Blizzard has already released a roadmap for Dragonflight content for 2023 (the first time they’ve ever released a roadmap for their content delivery by the way) and we’re getting 6 patches in this year alone, which is more than most expansions get in 2 years.

Unless they hit a major development hiccup and can’t deliver all the patches they say they’re going to (which can happen) there’s no way that Dragonflight will be ‘WoD 3.0’

And with that one line you lost any and all respect from the forums users.


(One minor thing goes wrong and/or takes too long to fix)


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I don’t appreciate the sarcasm. I hope you can at least agree with the point in my original post about what kind of content we are experiencing. It’s rough that so many people know the solution but choose to ignore it.

You’re too vague about what you mean is bad and what you think should be improved. You are literally talking in politician speak without actually saying anything. “The direction of the content isn’t right” “What content” “The content you’re doing that isn’t the right direction” that’s how your post comes across.

If anything I think that they need to focus on more than just endgame activities. Bring back the world. Bring back the exploration and less “everything other than raiding/m+/high PvP is useless”


I do not think the wow engine supports more things than what is already in the game. I don’t see any options but who knows maybe someone will figure out an idea…Or just make wow FRIGGIN 2 already

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