There's one way to save this from being WoD 2.0

So clearly a lack of communication from blizzard regarding certain aspects of the expansion can’t be ignored so I’ll just say this. ZERO complaints with progression can harm the game in the long run depending on if people want to continue the gameplay. From an outside perspective since I don’t do those certain things in the game I just have to say…When you get into a content drought like WoD you start to realize what made the game as good as it was in a better expansion.
I’m hoping blizz can address this in a post in the very near future because it’s getting to the point where I have to put more time in.


This is far from WoD 2 tho


Give it 3 more months…Clearly if communication isn’t made by blizzard you won’t be happy so what’s the point? Any more time making this stuff and we won’t be able to get in the servers at that point, have you DONE the raid yet?

I hope they can address it too… you were vague and said “certain aspects”.

There’s also 6 content drops for this year. That may or may not satisfy you, though.


Didn’t they literally give a clear roadmap of content?


They literally made a roadmap and they have been transparent this whole entire dragonflight time.


Like I said. GIVE IT 3 MORE MONTHS. Clearly there are fundamentals with releasing new content, And there is absolutely no reason to speculate on things that aren’t on the list of content patches. When we get the whole story I think there will be an easier way to decide.

Then why are you making this thread now?


Keep on doubting them when they have been proving those who doubted them wrong.

Because the clear lack of communication by not only blizzard but by the community is tiresome to see, and I’m just hoping we get a more clear vision of what’s going to replace things like the grouping system.

The community communicates their grievances daily on GD though.

This isn’t about grievances, this is about fundamentals. Changing the way we operate in the game is generally how I like to go about it.

Fundamental what dude. You’ve been vague.


They have been communicating or are you choosing to ignore the fact that the recent hotfixes are pretty detailed on what is fixed and what has been dealt with but clearly you people choice to ignore the blizzard tracker.

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Do I really need to explain the fundamentals of a game that you’ve been playing for this many years? No offense but I’m taking that as a bit of an insult. Let’s just agree that changing the way we operate in game goes about how certain people enjoy doing it.

Oh really they have been pretty transparent with their communication since dragonflight launched.

Yeah sorry but it’s like Asmongold says blizzard just doesnt want to talk to their playerbase I’m guessing he would know more than a random forum user so I think I know who I’m going to believe.

What exactly though? PvP, M+, Raid?

If it’s PvP I’ll take your word for it.

I’ve done a fair bit of M+ and am nearly KSM. I can’t raid much :frowning:

You need to be clear so people know what the issue is.

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Are you that thick headed when they have been pretty open on communication they recently did a live chat with the community council and you can watch the video. Actually they had two live chat uploaded on the community council forums.

I disagree that “communication” is needed. What needs to happen is follow through, doing what needs to be done.

“We understand players are disappointed in how [x] worked out. We will take that into consideration in future planning.”

We have seen way too much of that over the years and not nearly enough promises that become reality, without unexpected “surprises”.