There's no reason not to have Dual Spec

If not dual spec. They should just have the cost to respect reset each week. That way it’s not too convenient. And you can’t swap all willy nilly. You have to think weigh when you want to swap spec versus cost.

I’m absolutely certain that some guilds would require certain classes to also have one of their alt specs. There’s several examples, like say a Paladin offtank on Nightbane off the top of my head. Even if they’re not respeccing, our raid leader asks the Paladin to throw on healing gear and assist with healing and dispells during air phase. That’s like, in a casual guild, but why wouldn’t they have him do it because you really don’t need a offtank for the fight.

That said, even if it’s not “required” it is something that is definitely encouraged as is, for people to be as versatile as possible in case there’s certain roles that need being filled at the last minute because someone had to call in for the raid at the last minute. It’s 100% encouraged already, and something that people would likely do simply to try and be useful to the guild and garner favor.

The only serious difference is that it would impact the player significantly less for them to swap around for the guild.

I mean, let’s be real, the content for Wrath isn’t somehow drastically different. They thought Dual Talent was something that benefited the game, and they were right, and they likely would have added it sooner if they weren’t busy with a thousand other things throughout Classic and TBC.

Yeah. You’re a rogue. You’re a DPS spec. Why would you give a damn about it. It’s not like you’re a class that has an actual role. Or hell, even a class that anyone wants in raids for that matter.

You can farm gold in all of your specs. It’s not an issue for you. You can at least keep up with your PVE gear upgrades, gems, enchants while in your raid spec.

Every single time. You’re either Hunters, Rogues, or Alts. There aren’t any serious players that disagree with this and I’m just tired of humoring you absolute children.

I have to farm for over an hour just to make the gold to respec. All this accomplishes is that I don’t farm for gold anymore. I log off after raids instead of farming for a couple hours. The idea of “making gold” is way more effort than it is for you. You don’t have to give a damn about it because it doesn’t effect you in any meaningful way.

You’ll spout off some nonsense about how you need to respec for PVP, that’s great champ, so do I. I have a different spec for PVE, PVP, and gold farming. All three are different. You can at least farm gold in ANY of your specs. It’s an entirely different situation from Healers and Tanks, and this is why there’s a shortage of Healers and Tanks, not something that you would ever consider or give a damn about as a selfish DPS class.

Because Combat Swords and Shadowstep are two very different builds that preform two very different roles.

Crazy how I’m a top parser for my guild. Cope for me harder buff bot.

How many professions need talents?

I can answer that for you. 0.

Literally everyone can.

Checks logs and sees Light’s Justice yet blue average parse.

Serious. Yikes.

Called professions. When I don’t want to mine/mote farm, I can literally make about 100g sitting in a city opening boxes for an hour.

Crazy how there is more than just zug zuging primals out in the world for money.

No, you don’t know how to make money and blame it on the fact that you’re not a dps spec, when in reality, you just don’t know how to make money.

Wonder why you’re broke.

Not really.

Because I know how to make gold outside of zug zugging primals at the Elemental Plateau.

Yes, mong, because Combat Swords is a spec built around sustaining damage and on demand burst cleave, while Shadowstep is a spec built around stealth, opening up, CDs, and controlling other players. While baseline rogue has access to all of it, it’s the talents that make it work.

I’m sorry you don’t understand Rogue and are big mad around it.

Fixed it for you. You don’t need a spec to gold farm unless you’re a Mage or a Paladin.

So can you. Professions do not require talents.


Missed the mark by a mile.

So much cope.

Keep coping bucko, and keep being broke I guess.

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Which one of them performs the healing role?

Which one of them performs the tanking role?

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Neither, and it’s moot. The point the big mad Shaman was making was that I don’t need to switch my talents at all, while to preform two different end game content segments, I indeed do need to switch talents.

Stay mad that I don’t support dual spec.

No you don’t… a rogue is always melee dps.

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Are you intentionally being stupid or are you just stupid?

I know you’re from Pagle and the average IQ there is the same as the room temperature, but in regards to Dual spec, it doesn’t matter if one is using the secondary spec to entirely change their role in one content field.

Dual spec itself allows one player to have two different talent builds, generally for two different aspects of content, whether it’s double dipping in pve, or pvp, or for pve and pvp, or pve and farm, or pvp and farm.

I need two different talent builds between pve and pvp, thus, I too would have an argument for Dual Spec if I supported it.

But I don’t.

I have no problem paying gold to respec because I’m not broke.

Your entire “gotcha” is moot overall, as I indeed do need to respec.

Come on now, turn up your temperature so we can have an actual conversation.

Can a rogue spec into healing? or tanking?

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No, and it’s moot.

Do you know what dual spec does?

Do you understand the why hitting things in a different spec is not the same as hitting things vs healing things?

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Do you understand that professions do not require talents or any role at all to preform?

Weird segue into professions.

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Because this is about gold right?

That’s the main healer gripe about not having dual spec, is you’re broke.

Except healers can do professions just like everyone else.

I made 6k from questing. I made over 20k from mining and mote extracting.

I also have a healer. She was harder to level than my rogue, but killing things still wasn’t a problem because gasp I had access to an almost full DPS kit as well. It’s almost like those abilities are baseline and for solo content, it’s more than enough to get through the content.

I’m done with this single sentence cat and mouse.

You’re broke, and don’t like it, I get it.

So get a damn profession.

Why would you think that?

Can any amount of gold give a rogue a healing spec?

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I see you’re just stupid. Thank you.

LoL sorry lemme know when rogues have a heal spec.

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I don’t know why you’re so hung up on a “gotcha”.

You’re waiting for me to say “no” to which you’ll then respond with something like “Well we need dual spec for because we kill things slower wahhhh.”

To which my response will be:

To reiterate that I too indeed have a benefit from Dual Spec.

To which you’ll ignore and go “But rogues can’t heal” for some moot gotcha.

If you’re broke, you don’t need dual spec because you can have professions.

If you want to not do your current spec and do something else, then do what literally everyone else does and respec.

Noone said rogues didn’t.

I was pointing out the stark difference between the benefit rogues get vs what classes that have actual differences in their specs get.

Booo hoooo you do a little less dps in the wrong spec. Poor baby.


Oh trying to minimize it.

I got you.

Too bad dual spec itself doesn’t have that distinction and the usage of that secondary spec is to whatever the player wants.

So, you saying that Rogues have less roles that they can preform in content compared to, say a Druid, is still moot.

c r a z y.

Literally every argument for dual spec except one has a rebuttal, and that one argument is “I want the QOL change because I want the QOL change.”

Funny enough, every rebuttal against dual spec eventually devolves to the pro dual speccer’s going “I want the QOL change because I want the QOL change.”

It’s moot if one class has more benefit from dual spec over another. Every class in the end would benefit from the QOL change.

Boo hoo, you heal less as feral, and get 1 tapped as resto bear. Poor Baby.

If you want to imitate the mentality of Chris Chan, go right ahead.

Just know that anyone who can think past the 2nd dimension knows that every thing you’ve said ends up being moot, and you just want the QOL change because it’s a QOL change.