There's no reason for new players to invest into this game

I’ve met some new players recently they’re playing the game because get this they are having fun playing it. Imagine that they found a reason to invest in the game.

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Sub numbers are probably fine since they include people playing just Classic. It’s the game design trends in retail that are very concerning.

WoW remains the most full featured raiding experience (taking all the community infrastructure into account) and if that’s what you’re into and don’t mind all the other stuff they’re making you do to enjoy it, this is still your game.

For a lot of everyone else, I’d imagine a big factor keeping them here is the inertia of having made friendships in game, their guild, their past investment in their characters, older content they are still collecting from, and all the other built-up investment from the past like add-ons, community sites, etc. All those things make the game more “sticky” than it otherwise would be.

But yes, if you’re not already stuck, probably better to choose a different game to get invested in. Except I’d worry the same bad game design trends that infected Activision/Blizzard are likely to show up from other publishers too until players rebel more strongly than they have.

I’m not suggesting that. I know the Class design in WoW is Pruned to all hell back and forth.

This is why i spoke subjectively. Cause i don’t know what objective advantages SWTOR has over WOW, aside from what you told me.

  • Plenty of Skills
  • Big rotations
  • Punishing class resource systems
  • Almost all Utility/CDs are not on GCD

And right now…

  • Well designed Classes

And even then, i question those.

What makes those objectively superior? what is considered skillful and what is not? What about having bigger rotations that makes a game automatically better? Is it cause it’s just bigger and complex? Does Complexity always mean better? Is punishing always better? How does having CD’s on/off make a game better? What do you mean well designed classes? How are the Classes well designed?

I knew you already explained this to me (pretty poorly) about it, but i was hoping you go more indepth with it.

I also noticed you talked about Vanilla, so out of curiousity, i looked up the rotations for each class, and it seemed to me that some of them are a lot smaller then Retail’s. Some of them i’m sure are more complex… and i think you already know what the Classic’s Warlock rotation looks like. Yet Classic is doing a lot better then Retail.

As for Story, well it’s Bioware… aside from the fact that their NPC’s are like robots, just now learning how use this new invention called emotions, the story is interesting enough to hold somebody’s attention, and the KotOR universe is more interesting then the Sequel Universe. (or Disney Star Wars) So i guess if you want an interesting Story to soak up for years and years and years on end, then that MMO got you covered.

I actually disagree entirely… There is every reason in the world for new players. There is tons of stuff to do and collect in comparison to other MMOs.
There are some improvements that could be done, for sure, but I’d never say theres no reason for new players.
I would love if they make old content stay relevant, keep updating zones instead of new weird areas, but with the level squish it will kind of do that since people can at least level up in any area all the way through.
I was thinking to myself they should make little achievements per zone when you complete all quests in zone you get an updated transmog related to that zone. I think that would make people explore all content and keep it fresh.

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It isnt even accidental sabotage, their design philosophy on old content is “remove cool stuff so new players cant get it so we reward old players just because they happened to be playing during x expacs”

And they refuse to accept that this drives away new players, this is why WoW at the end will just end up being a niche fringe mmo played by old dudes who are far too invested to ever leave.

If you cant attract new players to the game, it wont last.

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Yes they are trying to create a fear of missing out mentality but that isn’t a key reason many people play MMORPGs. People play MMORPGs when they see other people having fun and are motivated to reach that point in progression. It is the combination of the journey and destination that is fun. Blizz has managed to erase a lot of the journey while making the destination to never have an endpoint. Not fun IMO.

I started in BC and for me I was able to still experience a lot of what made vanilla great as it was still mostly intact through the leveling process. Had blizz pruned a lot of vanilla elements when BC hit my experience would have been significantly dulled.

To me all the work they put into Legion they decided to erase for the most part which was foolish. They could have used legion as a foundation for those players that did enjoy legion to build with BFA. But Blizzard decided to start over and meanwhile rob the replay value of Legion for veteran players and returning/new players.


Oh look! Another thread about how great swtor is and how horrible wow is doing… on the wow forums.

Im relatively “new” to wow; I came from swtor. Does swtor have a few qol perks over wow, yes. Does swtor have decent end game and content? No. Swtor’s gearing used to be simple and fun, now its just plain expensive and not worth it to min max.

There will always be pros and cons to each game you play. Just because youre tired of wow and enjoying swtor doesnt make swtor a better game.

We want to encourage new players to play all the games… dont let your cynicism and negativity get in the way. Everyone has a different play style and will look at each game differently.

PS I still encourage people to play swtor just for the story line alone, but I am honest about the pros and cons.


Swtor has done this also. they have removed a lot of achievements over the years. As well as removing content for people who didnt purchase a certain xpac at a certain time. Just ask people about HK.

Now this i can agree with!

The only thing that might bother new players is all the cool things that have been removed from the game over the years. Like mounts/transmogs/ect. For example I missed out on that flying moose mount (cries in scrublet).

The game was much better before we had CRZ, cross-realm grouping, and sharding. The game was much better when we had actual server communities, anyone who disagrees would have been a solo player back in the day or didn’t play back then.

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