There's no reason for new players to invest into this game

I was thinking about WoW from a perspective of a new player and I find little reason for them to even bother compared to other mmorpgs.

-WoW lacks and interesting interactive story with multiple choices making playing old stories quite tedious and uninteresting as most people dont bother with quest text as well as the fact there is 0 reward for doing them.
Unlike games were swtor for example where the story is interactive with many choices that also always rewards you no matter how old it is since all content is relevant.

-Old content is irrelevant. It stops mattering, there’s no reason to do old dungeons or raids outside of mog farming/achievements which isnt something the average non hardcore player cares about. Meanwhile in many mmorpgs and Swtor old content is still relevant, old dungeons and raids not only are scaled, they give you current max level rewards making them worth doing just for that, or if you are doing them for the story you also get rewarded for doing them anyway. Compared to WoW’s lackluster timewalking with terrible scaling at time that just becomes a boring grind of do 5 in hopes you get a non worthless item.

-WoW repeatedly has removed a ton of content, mogs and mechanics from the game. For someone that might be interested in investing in the game I bet they wouldnt feel like it would be worth it considering they would forever be behind and have less options than others considering WoW repeatedly removes content to scare people from leaving. And unlike other games where it could just be a silly irrelevant title like swtor, in WoW they have removed highly sought after mogs, mounts, weapon appearances, Questlines, entire regions. I know the hardcore fans will vehemently defend the removal of stuff so they feel special, but from a new player perspective, there’s no reason to invest in a game where you ll never get the chance to experience x content or get some cool mog. Hell even achievements are removed.

Overall for a new WoW player the experience he has coming to a WoW expansion is:
-Repeat the same raid for 6 months
-Repeat the same dungeons for 2 years
-Grind X external power rental system while also having to wait due to timegates for more than a month at a time (Island essence says hi : ) )
-Possibly be forced to do content they dont want or enjoy because the external system is locked behind that unfun content
-Maybe bother with pvp but with the pruned classes pvp has become pretty trash and not much fun.

Of course there’s some people that will say people can just mog farm or achievement farm yet not everyone cares about getting that achievement of “kill X old boss with one shot without falling on sleep on the way to the boss room or do X task without breaking your back, congrats”

WoW is not only lacking content when it comes to competitors by repeatedly making old content irrelevant and removing part of it but also forces unfun content because they lock things like 50% of player power behind them or just allied races.

In b4 oldies start going “BuT yOu HaVe To WoRk FoR iT” while the game slowly dies and bleeds more players with no reason for new players to come since why should they “WORK” when they can just have fun in other mmorpgs that dont have ridiculous grinds and timegates and also can get old content with good rewards as many mmorpgs dont spend such effort removing old content from the game.


OP, now say something positive about the game since all you’ve done for a solid year is complain about the game and let us know how bad and dead it is. The game isn’t nearly as horrible as many of the posters here make it out to be.


Male pandaren, Tauren, Vulpera are really cool races uwu, plus the lore is pretty great and it is sad that the game systems are so unfun to the point it ll kill it slowly, it isnt even the top mmo anymore and it is only getting worse as time goes by

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How would a new player know anything about what was or was not removed?

All content would be new for a new player since they have never seen it before.

I do suppose if a new player is joining for the social aspect they will just boost to play with existing players.


Have you never seen a new player come to the forums, ask about a mog or X thing only to get told it is no longer available?

The thing is, WoW questing isnt really that interactive or interesting unlike some other games, WoW has mainly focused in the end game


I really want to disagree with you…but I can’t. My biggest sadness is the importance Blizzard puts on the end game. Especially now that people will be able to level fully in any zone they want to. The story doesn’t matter then because you can just run through whichever expansion you want without having to touch any other of the stories. It feels like they want this game to be a MOBA. Making leveling unimportant. Story a mess and now almost irrelevant. I fear that there will be a moment in the future where leveling is removed and only the end game content is only accessible.


I don’t know. Not everyone enjoys playing in dead areas of the game. If you have to boost in order to find the social aspect to a MMO then there is something off. I was hoping to see them expand out the WQ system to encourage people to go to older areas and add more story to those areas. Community is a big drawing point for some players.


But when all the emphasis is at level cap and it’s corresponding areas…

I have seen a few but not often and to be honest I don’t know what affect that had on their opinions of the game.

I do agree there is an over emphasis on end game in WoW and as far as I can remember it has always been there.

I vividly recall in Vanilla constantly being asked if I ever intended to get to the level cap to start doing MC or BWL. When I finally got my Shaman there, we did a few raids here and there and then everyone races to BC. To do the same thing, race to the end and do raids. My play style was not at all compatible with theirs at all. I like to mosey, take in the sights and enjoy the journey.

I don’t know how much of that is the game’s fault and how much is the players themselves.

I really don’t know how a new player would view this game since I have been playing it so long.

My two oldest kids are the closest thing I have experienced as far as new players.

Everything is new to them, but their pay style is somewhat different than mine. They do some quests here and there, don’t care much about completing zones before flitting off to another. Their primary goal at the moment is collection. Mounts, battle pets, hunter pets and transmogs.


Blizzard can still place the emphasis at level cap and corresponding areas but they are also add in side quest. As champions players have quested and traveled all over the world. It would make sense to have people we have helped in the pass request help from us now. Side quest allow for the world to be fleshed out more and not so much about what the current story is.


I never cared much about the social part of the game, but I understand what you are saying and I agree.

I wonder if they opened World quests up game wide, but not as end expansion only activity but as a leveling alternative and have the difficulty scale to the player’s level if that would help. So you could have level 120s doing a WQ in STV with a level 25.

I love doing old things, zones, raids, etc, but I wonder if it would be well received by majority.

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I would like to see them do more with WQ and it may help with parts of the game seeming so dead.


The majority of players in mmo’s want a solid end game, which wow has the best in the business, that’s why it’s still the most popular mmo on the market. New players can see this just by the fact that if you look at twitch wow has such a high representation. I play on bonechewer which is one of those “new servers” so I deal with a lot of players who have been playing under 6 months on a daily basis. They have all their reasons to play, and many are quite good even with their lack of experience.

Game has lost that title to FF a long time ago, but yeah, keep telling yourself how successful it is till the day it dies and becomes an mmo only old players who are too invested to ever leave.
If shadowlands doesnt change the problems, im probably done completely with WoW


New players should have to work for it.

I raided uphill both ways in the snow. So should they.


And this kind of player is going to be the main reason WoW is becoming more irrelevant by the day and will just become a niche mmo only played by those who are too invested because they were playing for years.

Sad, I liked the lore but the game will never be good so long players defend blizzard.

Time to stick to swtor where i can have fun and dont need to “work” and also enjoy my fabulous tight spy mog uwu


this is quite possibly the most backward thing i’ve read so far this year.

when did mog farming become hardcore?
if anything, the “non hardcore” players are the ones who will spend more time doing things like running old content for appearances…

regardless, the changes slated for the next xpac should change a lot of the concerns about “old content”.


Yup it is the worst state the game has ever been.

Notice how the Wks have mobilized in the general forum when they usually stay in their assigned areas and subforums?

The heat is ramping up that is why.

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Gotta agree with this. Mog and collections farming is the most casual, “everyone-can-do-it” activity in the game. And the truly hardcore folks generally don’t have to wait until two expansions have passed since a given raid has been out to farm. The truly hardcore get their stuff when the content is current. :sweat_smile:

Game needs more magetower stuff so good players can have nicer stuff than casuals.

Nobody wants to be that guy that couldnt do the mage tower, thus driving more player interaction.