This is why I’m glad they removed female ones as well.
Nah what you are doing is gaslighting and pretending like the left isn’t in control of the narrative and pushing censorship right now.
It’s honestly pretty pathetic.
Thank you for the link, TBH I could care less if they get removed or not. With that said, earlier someone posted that they were sexually assaulted and said that triggered them. While a lot of those flirts are in poor taste I don’t see the connection. But thanks for the link!
Troll it is lol
Nice try, though
Also, the joke about the female Dwarf and her uncle, may just be the most vile thing I ever heard.
My bad I apologize, I assumed since you were posting on a female toon.
Let me fix that:
“angry male who plays a female toon”
Misogyny isn’t a pretty thing to witness.
Nice one. I wanted to quote this in case you tried to delete it.
You haven’t heard all of the “Louisiana” jokes then.
Thank you for finally showing us who you are rather than hiding behind your facade. Pretty much what I had expected.
Nah, he behaves like an angry Karen and posts on a female toon so your assumption was completely justified.
He has done nothing but post emojis and one liners, literally double digit IQ.
You can check all of them here. The dwarf ones are in one of the replies. There are two or three other ones I’m extremely glad they’re removing that are other races’ flirt lines.
Trying to understand the outrage is all. Maybe Blizz should implement an ignore on emotes for those who don’t want them and everyone could be happy. But then again when will it end? LOL
That is the question since you can never tell with the Karen’s (male and female)
I don’t know what is wrong with me! Look when I log on I don’t really notice these things, cause I log on to (you might want to sit down for this) play the game. I guess I am so focused on playing that I don’t notice these things, and if I do there is a function called: report or ignore.
Does wonders for things like that!
You’ve done nothing but insult people since you started posting in this thread. Ad hominem is the weapon of people with no argument.
While you and I may be on the same side on the topic of this thread, I do not agree with your behavior here, and I’m not convinced that you believe what you say you do.
And if you do, then I’m serious man - find a more polite way to communicate with people who disagree with you.
I suggest anyone who isn’t a radical leftist read this thread and look at the people SUPPORTING these changes.
Guess what political agenda they all have in common?
Exactly as I stated.
If you don’t notice them anyway, why do you care they’re gone? Rebel without a cause much?
Actually, I’m a filthy centrist (both sides hate me now and then <3) and I’m not even American, so thankfully I didn’t have to vote for either candidate or party