Sounds like there’s no issue with their removal then, huh?
I actually like how they’re rewording the emotes to not force your character to be subjected into anything, on an RP level.
I kinda thought that was the rule in RP anyway. The other person has to either consent or challenge what’s happening to them. You can’t just have that liberty over another person’s situation.
Eliminating some of the jokes is annoying. The least they could do is replace them but I’m sure new lines will be a shop item down the road.
Fair point.
That definitely doesn’t apply for ones like /moon though
The only reason I know about these changes in game is because someone either reported it or complained about over social media.
Or in other words, it literally has no impact on my game experience whatsoever. Like, literally none. This is also true for about 99% of the people whining about it.
I guess my question now is … why are people choosing to lose their lunch over something so insignificant? Or, may be the more accurate question should be … why is something that impacts most people in no way whatsoever something they have chosen to turn into some “big deal”, and then hill to die on? Do they just enjoy being outraged? Do they enjoy the attention and the “likes”?
Like, I get when something has a major impact on the game (ie, conduit energy, covenant restrictions, etc.), but something like this? I just don’t get it.
My soccer coach (may he rest in peace) taught me to not show emotion and have thick skin. I played for UTEP as a hispanic we went to Lubbock and they threw tortillas at us. I didn’t ask for the college to be cancelled or called the dean, I scored three goals that game and ate the tortillas, LOL!
Guess what I am trying to say is that today’s society is very sensitive.
I don’t support the changes, and I lean politically left, but only slightly. I’m the definition of a moderate. I opposed the hard right in earlier decades, because they were oppressive, and I oppose oppressive policies from the far left of my own party.
This whole idea that you’re one or the other baffles me. You can choose a side and still see its flaws, criticize it, and want it to do and be better.
For me, it’s the straw starting to break the camel’s back.
Three bad expansions in quick succession, developers refusing to listen to players’ feedback on those systems, the sexual abuse scandal, now all of these changes - most of which I don’t support.
They aren’t going to listen to anything said here. They are in full CYA mode. Its all about presenting themselves as being a “changed” company and all they are worried about is someone else getting offended and they have to put out more money. Not taking any chances. I don’t know what happened to them…other than complete change demanded by someone above them. Used to be different. Now, they don’t care what anyone says its all about the money…and someone who doesn’t even play ham fisted these changes. Sad really…but that is what upper management does these days. They don’t even play, they just dictate and most of the time, they know nothing of IT, nothing of gaming, and don’t care. Someone put someone in that position, now well its no longer about a game, its all pure money and CYA by a dufus upstairs.
Asking for someone to clarify and make concrete examples not vague statements about churches in the 90s is insulting?
The one clown told me “you know only White people” and the other was posting similar nonsense.
I suggest you go visit some Antifa/BLM riots and try having a “polite” way of communicating with them. You are in a naive reality of whats happening and thats why you continue to lose.
I could care less, but I was arguing with someone else that being offensive or rude doesn’t equal being sexually assaulted. For real though you come off as angry, I simply asked for links and someone had to do that for you.
Asking for clarity isn’t a problem. And note your tone in that post - did you actually invite honest conversation on the topic? Especially when one of your follow-ups are… the below:
While asking for clarity isn’t a problem, saying stuff like this is. It’s poor conduct in an honest conversation and it gets you nowhere fast.
Counterpoint being…how often did this actually come up for you in game?
The merest possibility that it might happen?
Its like if someone farts in the produce aisle. you move away.
Who’s the President, again?
They never clarified so it was clear they didn’t wan an actual discussion.
Was them saying I know only White people a problem to you?
I always loved it when the opposite faction did a /spit. I would simply find them and camp them til they logged out.
There’s a difference between something that is offensive, and someone being offended about something.
There’s no rule book. We as humans have to agree. That’s a tall order, so we’ll have historical moments like this, when things change. Where people are forced to reevaluate what is important to them.
Which is more important to you? Your ability to use questionable emotes or removing the potential that people could be genuinely negatively affected by them.
If this was a case of removing stairs because it offended the handicapped, I’d be up in arms against it. But this is just removing something superfluous. It shouldn’t cause anyone proper emotional harm.
This isn’t false outrage or a witch hunt for innuendo. It’s an effort by the employees, literally almost all of them, to identify simple changes that would make them feel more comfortable representing the product the work to create.
I wouldn’t want to work at Blizzard and defend some of lines, especially if a player asked me if I felt it was appropriate for children. I would say no and would be happy to see them changed because it isn’t going to hurt my feelings.
They asked everyone who works on WoW what they think should be changed and these are the ones everyone agreed on.
Sure that is a point, but as I also pointed out: I did not ask for any of the changes - not even for the removal of any flirt lines. I’m merely happy about a few of the changes whilst others simply don’t affect me, so they neither bother me nor do they make me particularly happy. What I don’t understand is why people put that much effort into defending things like the line I pointed out.
WOW! You really want to go there? Cause right now the country is in shambles under this president, let’s not go there okay amigo!
I’d have to reread the exchange.
If it was unprovoked, certainly. But I’m not convinced it was.
Why does this offend you so much? Does it sting a little because it hit a little uncomfortably close? People who were not white had a starkly different perception of the earlier decades, and the fact that you don’t tells a lot about your story.