There's no end to it

Upset that someone doesn’t agree with your narrative?


i think there comes a time when people need to realize that theres a fence. blizz is on one side and players are on the other. and blizz trolls us just as much as we troll them. we are being trolled.


The difference is that we found out about the harassment AFTER it happened, and the people directly involved got canned. So we didn’t know what it was going to be like going forward.

But these changes ARE what’s happening going forward.

(Also, it’s not like people are quitting over one thing. These changes were just the straw that broke the camel’s back. If it wasn’t for the terrible storywriting, the toxic culture, the bad design decisions, etc. that came before, I might not have unsubbed.)


It’s a game for teens, I don’t think it’s ok for them to dial it back to a kids game.

I understand what they are trying for. But seriously they need to work on the actual issues lawsuit issues first and quit messing up the money maker.


I assure you they are probably already working on 9.2, in fact the art team has probably already finished a lot of the assets for that patch.

Just because they aren’t telling you what they’re working on doesn’t mean it isn’t happening as we speak.


Some of them absolutely were.

Pretty sure he was found innocent of all claims against him.

They don’t really care. This is for their employees who brought these things up. They’re changing it for the employees, not for you.


Yep! Here I am, I tried multiple times to get my 6th month sub refunded but they refused, I’m a massive fan of the Warcraft lore, I always will be. I’ll probably still follow the storyline & check in on mmochampion every now & then even after my sub runs out, But I refuse to keep paying activison for a product that I don’t enjoy.

I want them to turn this train wreck around and give me a reason to support them but the way things are going it’s a no from me.


Well, there will eventually be an end. The game is on a pretty bad trajectory at the moment, and the devs clearly don’t give even a quarter of a damn about player opinion, so that’ll be continuing downward for a while.


i never once said they were not. i’m not sure why its so ahrd for you to understand the concept here… i am sure they are already working on more than just 9.2 as well. taking away even .001 percent of dev. time or resources for these mundane pointless changes is the pill that’s hard to swallow. i could give two rats a$$es about the changes either way aside from that. i wont be unsubbing any time soon.

The second part of the second sentence explains the first part of the second sentence

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It’s going to continue. If you can’t take it then you should probably go now and invest your time elsewhere. (this isn’t a snark, I’m just being realistic)


And yet the “party” in Goldshire-Moonguard continues as it always has.

Blizz is simply following legal advice to try and stay out of more trouble. This purge has nothing to do with “values” or caring.


world of Lovecraft is here retcon the wars to have them be toga party’s instead


Don’t worry.

Your outrage is but yelling into the void.

And these changes will not be reversed.



Because they are going to realize what they wanted and forced on everyone else, is going to make for a boring game.

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Wow. That’s quite the entitled boy tantrum there, bucko.


You don’t think it’s OK for a company to change their product in whatever way they want?

And here I thought we lived in the land of freedom with free speech…I’m shocked that you are trying to discourage Blizzard from exercising their freedom to decide the content of their product


I’m amazed they haven’t removed all the Lovecraft references in this game yet. I’m sure they can painstakingly go after each one one of them in the near future.

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We’ll have to agree to disagree there.

I believe I said he was found innocent a while back, but then people started saying that he wasn’t exonerated of the charges - but rather he’d received a court victory that was unrelated. I decided I’d just say something safe.

I’m aware. But I am a paying customer, and a pretty loyal one at that, all things considered. If they don’t care, that’s a real shame. I’m still going to yell into the void


They should remove the flirting emote altogether. Any form of sexual advances made between people who haven’t been matched by an accredited dating app should be considered harassment and punished as such.