Theres been a recent change on WHERE you are allowed to use your covenant abilities

I don’t. I merely don’t think that it’s worth all this.

To be frank, it doesn’t really matter. Outside of duels or pvp, everything but shadowlands will be trivial content.

You sure are arguing hard for the other team then.

Yet here you are, many posts deep. Your complaint being basically “People are discussing this!”.

If it’s not worth it and you disagree, just move to another thread ? Otherwise, sorry dude, you actually agree with it and are defending Blizzard. Maybe Lore will notice you.

It is jarring for people. I won’t deny that. But then maybe them doing this can be used as an “encouragement” to do shadowlands content if you want to use the new abilities. Essentially saying hey you want the milk (ability) you have buy the cow (play shadowlands content).

What team? The team of I don’t care for farming older content a couple ms faster? Why do YOU care that much about old content you will overpower anyway? Again, this hypothetical change isn’t even official so why do you care that much?

And while we’re at it, do we even have stats of players doing older content before and after that hypothetical change? Do we even know if it makes things significantly harder or just a tinsy speck slower?

Because I thought beta was to test current content. Not to go back to farm stuff you can already farm in live.

Team “Blizzard defense squad”. Does Yesuna or Direstorm bring the donuts to your meetings ?

It’s almost like Beta is to test the new expansion, which includes a level and stat squish and a whole new leveling system…

prob because of door of shadows going outside of map in old content

Genuinely curious, what does this mean?

Door of Shadows is a covenant ability that apparently lets you teleport like the warlock gate, but the door apparently lets you go out of bound in older content? And instead of fixing it, they just removed all abilities (maybe removing only the door was too tough?).

Now is that change temporary while they fix the bug or fix the ability or just remove that particular ability from older content or is that change permanent, nobody knows

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For anyone trying to use Lore to try and justify this idiotic change: We can still use BfA things in Outlands and Warlords of Draenor zones. That right there blows the Lore reason right out of the water.

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I am currently able to solo all the way up to the mythic Gul’dan phase on my warlock only because of essences and corruption. Some covenant abilities are massive boosts and will easily allow well geared people to do BFA raids in SL. No reason to lock them out.

Unless you tried it in PTR with or without those essences (corruption is already removed), that comment is moot. You’ve no way to know if you can still solo that content with or without the essences or with or without the covenant abilities. I’ve read most of this thread and NOBODY (that I read) had concrete stats on how much this HYPOTHETICAL change is affecting the xmog runs.

I can barely get through botanist as is with this gear lol, he hits like a truck and has like 12m hp total. If lucid/VoP and expedient weren’t a thing i doubt it’d be possible.

It still doesn’t tell how it will be after patch. And Legion stuff is still meant to be done in a group.

What’s is going on with these Devs? I haven’t seen or heard of this many bad design decisions since I played SWG.

if swg pre-cu was still around and if disney didn’t buy star wars then swg pre-cu would be one of the biggest mmo’s on the planet. i miss tka and jedi so much

So with this change we won’t be able to duel people outside of Org or Stormwind using our covenant abilities?

This is pretty made up, Door of Shadows works like Heroic Leap and Warlock gate. You need line of sight and a way to put the target reticle down and an actual path available.

So that’s literally not the reason.

It’s still a better reason than your “they’re just forking with us” that you’re pushing man…

Spade being a spade and all. Like the restriction on swapping conduits. I guess you just don’t want to accept Blizzard goes out of their way to punish players, when they have done so so many times already.