Theres been a recent change on WHERE you are allowed to use your covenant abilities

I for one am against this idea because holy heck I want to use my abilities wherever a darn well please.

here’s a link on where you can and can’t use these abilities.
i want to go out to firelands and farm mounts. i want to use these abilities to quickly dispatch mobs.
if I’m choosing this ability i want to be able to chose where and when i use it.
i cant be the only one angry about this right?


They are reaaalllly going all in on “you play the way we want to” this xpac. Covenant ability locks, conduit charges, no soulbind swaps between specs etc

Which was a shame because legion was all about “play how you want and get rewarded”


whos doing these weird ideas? like this is back to back strange random hindering ideas.


This seems like “lorewise you cant use azerite/heart in the shadowlands so you cant use shadowlands stuff in azeroth”

Which i get but that will only cause problems, its current expansion, let it be useable everywhere.

Imo they started this mistake when they didnt disable azerite/heart in azeroth and i can bet someone will find a way to abuse it in open world pvp outside of shadowlands.

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Why is Blizzard being so weird?


they’re digging their heals in on systems and its dragging them down. They make a problem, then create a system to fix the problem, because they’re too worried about how players will interact it with it (eg conduits having a limit to how much you can change them)


Using those in old content will be trivial. I guess I will need to save my BFA gear for timewalking, but also looking forward to see how legendaries work in shadowlands. For example, my DH has the black temple glaives, will they be better than BFA raid gear when entering shadowlands?

I don’t like it.

I mostly do old content, since I’m a solo player.

The whole point of these borrowed power systems is to give us new spells during the expansion while being able to take them back afterwards to avoid clutter.

If I can’t use my new spell in the content I do, I’m not really getting a new spell. So what’s the point?


Then do current content. Simple solution.

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I don’t want to. It takes forever and you need other people, and then you need voice chat and it makes noise and I don’t like noise, etc etc etc.


Should definitely be enabled in Timewalking.

Otherwise, turn it off.

Legendary cloak : worked everywhere.
Legendary ring : worked everywhere.
Artifact traits and abilities : worked everywhere.
Legiondaries : worked everywhere.
Azerite traits : worked everywhere.
Essences : worked everywhere.
Corruption : worked everywhere.

Covenant stuff : YoU MuSt bE In tHe sHaDoWlAnDs


I agree with it being on for timewalking and instanced pvp. Because those are systems that feed into current progression. For old content it makes sense to turn it off. And as for using prior systems that worked in older legacy content as for why this is bad, do take note that blizzard only recently updated their map system with bfa (all maps and instances have a clear number with UImapID). With that change, and not prior it likely was not at all possible for them to implement a whitelist/blacklist for abilties.

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Look at my reply below yours.

All I see is making excuses for what is basically a boneheaded move.

What do you care that I’m using Door of Shadows to travel faster around my Ulduar mog farm.


I gave you a technical reason (not just lore reason) for why this can now exist and you call it bonehead? Ok dude.

Lorewise there’s a hole in the sky connecting Azeroth to the Shadowlands. There’s no reason why Shadowlands powers wouldn’t work on Azeroth right now.


It worked fine in all previous iterations of Beta.

There is no technical reason.


Because beta is beta. Not a final product. It continuously changes.

And no, don’t use patches on live as a goalpost.

Yes, and this is a boneheaded change.

Glad we went full circle and came back to where I started.