There should only be 3 druid races

Just wait an expansion + a few patches. Ion already said that’s where we’re headed.

*written by a Worgen Druid, I know. Vomit inducing, right?

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I mean that is your opinion, world building is a thing. If everybody can be everything it makes that thing less special. Its pretty obvious right now why certain races cant be certain classes. You are just reaching.

World building in a RPG makes sense, and its prob why you are not a game developer or world builder.

You need reasons for other races to be druids not just go ahead and do it randomly.

No its not, but it is tied to culture and most races in wow and still separate. Its not like night elfs or taurens are mixing there culture and inviting goblins who actively destroy the environment into there druid circles. Again you are just reaching

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What’s vomit-inducing about a super cool werewolf that can transform into even MORE werebeasts? I don’t get some gamers these days. They’ve lost sight of what’s cool entirely.

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I’m pretty sure that last line was written sarcastically.

Oh, yes, of course, but still I’ve seen the sentiments from actual players quite serious about their disdain towards worgens. The irony of seeing an elf, goblin or a gnome talking smack about a race that much cooler than they are is amusing but confusing.

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I had a Tauren the other day calling me a furry… oh the irony of that statement made me laugh.

However there is a good point brought up here. Night elves were the original druids so I guess we can remove all other races from the class and go back to the fact druids could only be the men. Problem solved you get back to the roots of the druids.

Or… instead of having like 15 colored classes for each subset of druid we can stick to Tauren Druid, Worgen Harvest Witch, Zandalari Dinomancer, Kul’Tir Thornspeaker, etc just be called Druids like they are now. Brilliant!

The honest truth to this rant post is Chespin hates Worgen with a passion and anything wrong in WoW is clearly because Worgen exists and need to be removed from the game. Good news is Blizzard isn’t that stupid and will not do that thankfully. However we do get a good laugh when Chespin posts threads like this.

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okay grandma, time’s change.

Do u realise Worgens are the TRUE shapeshifters?
They’re a RACE of druids dude!

No I don’t think I will be removed

I agree but also disagree.
Lore-wise yes, you are correct, for the Warcraft fantasy to be accurate you are right.

But when it comes to expanding the mythos of the Warcraft I’m a huge fan of the concept of different types of the same class.

To be more clear, Kul Tiran Druids, yes they are Druids, but are like this neat darker version of a druid sort of Diablo-esk.

It’s badass, it’s only fault is it should have a bit more identity fleshed out.
For example, Kul Tiran Druids healing with like flower/ nature is sort of unfitting.
I think some sort of Fungal healing would be more suitable, mechanically have all the abilities function the same, maybe just change the names, icons and animation colors.
ex. Life Bloom becomes Fungal Plume and so on and so fourth.
The Tree form should also be more like a haunted tree.

Yeah, this isn’t D&D.

Nelves & Tauren / HM Tauren: Cenarius
Darkspear & Zandalari Trolls: Loa
Worgen: Started out as “harvest witches” (spellcasters with limited control over plants), taught by night elves later on.
Kul Tiran: Thornspeakers, a Drust organization, taught them

Now tell me, where and how do you think the other races will be taught to be Druids?

Orcs? I mean, it was an orc that killed Cenarius, I doubt they will get help from the night elves. Tauren? Maybe. Chances are the orcs won’t learn druidism; besides, they don’t need it, Shamanism already fills that spiritual leader / environmental communer role anyways.

Undead? Lol. Not happening.

We have seen Blood Elf botanists… however, based on your logic, they have to have a respect for nature, and well, those botanists in Netherstorm were using it as a means to an end for Kael’thas, not as a way to heal that area or anything. Farstrider inclination? Maybe.

Nightborne? They have the arcane, why dabble in primitive magics? Yeah yeah, I hear you, “but BRO what as an INDIVIDUAL bro?” Nightborne have used arcane magic to augment their surrounding nature to their benefit, if anything they already are psuedo arcane druids.

Goblins? Lol no. Again, using your logic…

We have seen how Goblins use elemental magics; they make deals with the elements. However, unfortunately for you, considering your grasp of lore, you don’t actually need to respect any of the magics to use them. It helps concerning the lore reason, but goblins go to show that there are alternative methods. That being said, what reasons would goblins need to become druids? Have you seen Kezan? They are too far gone. Same can be said for gnomes.

Humans? Perhaps, learn from their night elf and worgen counter parts.

Dwarves? Wildhammer are great prospects.

Draenei? Ehhh… maybe? Learn from the furbolgs? Lightforged Draenei? No way that’s happening.

Void elves? I don’t see a good reason for them to learn it, really, when they are already infused with the void, that’s probably a different, more intensive shift change, you know, to stop them from going crazy and devouring everything.

Dark Irons? No need for it.

Pandaren? I could see it, it would make sense.

You call it limiting, I call it working within the well defined boundaries of the warcraft universe and making sure things have reasonable lore sense behind them so that way the character you’re playing actually makes sense within the world and isn’t some kind of ElkGod_XxIAmGaiaXx [Lords of Nature] snowflake.

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