There should only be 3 druid races

Well if we going on the “LORE” basis then blizz have not added any more druid races to the game. As kultirans and zandalar are not druids in lore but actually dinomancers and users of drust magic oh and worgen being able to do it is due to a curse if im not mistaken

You do know that Worgen came from an out of control druid form right?

So removing the ability for worgen to become druids would require deleting the whole race.

Also you say “we should only have 3 druid races” but you ignored Highmountain Tauren. Therefore you want 4 druid races. 3 of them being horde. Yeah no.


If you want to be a total stickler for the lore and not allow it to evolve at all… you are playing as an invalid option. Tauren Druids were a stretch from the outset. It should be Night Elf only.


No. Jealousy isn’t a good look. You should get race and faction changes to get the best Druid forms instead of spreading salt on the forum.


Trolls and Worgen have the prettiest Lunarwing colors.


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Speaking of which, do you get the white Lunarwing option as a KT?

Sooooooooo yer idea is the horde gets three druid races and the alliance gets one? Reeeeeeeeeal smooth . . . I fer one like these newer takes on druidism, and while I feel like there should be at least some class restrictions, the druids we have now are fine and good . . . maaaaaaaaaaybe add dwarven druids via the wildhammer, can really see a story there actually.


They did give Wildhammer Druids a bit of lore in the RPG buuuuut as we all know the RPG has been deemed non-canon but they could make it canon.

True, but they do draw in it from time to time . . . fel look at the cult of the forgotten shadow.

Edit: you also made that point, sorry


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I’ve always rooted for Wildhammer Druids but I have a feeling we’ll never get them now that the Wildhammer clan has been reduced down to a tattoo and feather :anguished:


Does this forum have any kind of filter so we can just filter out bait threads entirely? lol


That’s exactly what the OP wants, and the OP is serious about it. OP literally wants Worgen deleted from all of Warcraft entirely because the OP is a Druid purist who thinks the addition of Worgen as a playable race ruined Druids.

Okay, I am always first in line to promote anit-lore restrictions in order to maintain complexity, variety and flavor in the game, but the only one I see as ‘fat’ is the Kul Tiras due to the thin lore.

That’s not a terrible idea, actually. As things stand, when you count the allied races, the Horde currently have four playable druid races, while the Alliance have just three…so doing as you suggest would balance things out.

This number … may be a bit low. Just a bit though.

Lore to me is like that lady in classic Star Trek who stole Spock’s brain “Lore, Lore! What is Lore!”


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Yes, white Lunarwing, and the owl glyph is brown. I wish they were both white, but I’ll live.

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How about we stop suggesting Blizzard remove things from the game just to soothe our bruised egos?


Think a good question is how many players use the original Druid forms? I went to the barber & changed all my appearances. Had fun collecting them even. I’m glad they gave us more in 9.1.5 cos it was long overdue.

um…what, op?

I use the original Druid travel forms on my HMT because they’re all new. Love the eagle and moose. However, my cat is the MT skin, bear is one of the artifact appearances and swimming is Shamu.

On my tauren I changed every thing. Cat and bear is the form that looks like a root, flying is the sentinel owl, travel is the mutated cheetah, swimming is a dolphin.

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