i’m with op. it’s ok to be new, it’s even a little exciting to find a brand new player. but in a group, you should put in at least the tiniest effort
last night i join a heroic spires of ascension as tank. there’s a survival hunter with a bow, doing almost 0 dmg, and a dps asks if they’re new. nobody is raging, we just want to help them understand. hunter says nothing, and a min later says they want to tame a bird from this dungeon. now the healer asks them by name, and again no answer. again they say something about taming a bird. we get to the skip before third boss and they try to kick, but i vote against. so someone rage quit, mounted, pulled all that extra trash to us and left lol. the fury warrior and i survived
even though i voted against the kick, i think it would have been totally fair. it’s ok to be new, and have 0 idea what you’re doing. i will explain whatever i can for you. after the run i’ll help with your ui and make custom weak auras. i’ll explain the difference in talents and how to make those decisions for yourself. but if a waycrest takes 1hr 26min, the tank just needs to press W and hit stuff. make the smallest effort of listening to your group, and learning along the way
I personally get where OP is coming from. Dungeons with people who are downright bad at the game happen, GD just can’t believe they can be the tank. But surprise : yes they can.
GD has a sort of unhealthy fetish for glorifying the role of tanking and anytime anyone says anything remotely negative of a tank, they get lambasted. OP was obviously irritated at a bad dungeon. I would’ve left the second it started going sour and a boss was dead, there’s no point in sticking around to a 1 hour, 26 minute torture session with bad players.
hell eyah put this requirements so LFD will die and no one ever will make a dungeon leveling, so great idea put more obstacles in the less played role and the one that bottleneck the forming of groups
You are part of the problem for the tank shortage. I’ll give some solutions to your problem…some of which are the exact solutions elitist’s (which you sound like) give to solo or casual players.
Find a friend to tank
Join a guild and run leveling dungeons as a guild
Level a tank yourself
Leave dungeon…dps are a dime a dozen and you aren’t needed
Just don’t run leveling dungeons
Let people learn their class. Leveling dungeons are a breeze and a great area for tanks to learn. Without being condescending, help the tank out. Give him pointers. I promise you…you will feel better after the dungeon if you help.
I’d also like to point out…of all the replies to this post almost all of them are against you. I’d almost agree with that guy saying this is just a troll thread but because of your 2 edits it makes me think it isn’t.
Humans can be dead weight. Nothing dehumanizing about it. It’s just an expression that means someone isn’t performing up to the average of the group, putting an increased strain on others.
Which is not mistreating anyone. It’s literally using game functions for their intended purposes. If someone is disrupting the run, you vote to kick. If people want to run with the person being a disruption but you don’t, you leave.
No mistreatment involved in any of those options.
You’re right, it’s not too late for you to stop being a troll.
There Should be Requirements For New Players Before Tanking A Dungeon
You signed a social contract that says:
While in Azeroth, do your best to:
Connect with other players and make friends! Being courteous in group content can help you and your teammates have the best time possible. Sending a friendly hello message can help set your group up for success.
Play as a team with your fellow players - whether in dungeons, raids, battlegrounds, arenas, or out questing in the world. Do your best to support your team through your communication and behaviors so that you can all celebrate your success together.
Assist other players that you encounter in the world. Maybe they need some help defeating a tough monster, or maybe they could use a little healing!
Help answer questions others have in chat channels like General or Trade. We were all newbies once - one person offering some help can go a long way!
Please explain how your actions follow the contract.
You also agreed to:
We recognize that the Internet is not always a safe haven. With that in mind, please note that the following behaviors are not accepted in Azeroth:
Hate speech, including negative comments that target another player's identity, including aspects like race, gender, or ability
Harassment, threats, or abusive / derogatory language and behaviors
Spamming, advertising, or other disruptive behaviors
If you harm your fellow adventurers with any of the above behaviors, you are subject to punishment up to and including suspension of your account.
Please explain how referring to people as trash and dead weight does not violate the derogatory language clause?