There Should be Requirements For New Players Before Tanking A Dungeon

Why is the solution to pivot the blame onto other people instead of holding people accountable for the way they act? Instead of getting mad at new tanks, why not tell the person who is getting upset to kick rocks if they don’t like it? I’ve never seen a community so hellbent on blaming new players for being new at the game.

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I find it hard to believe it took that long. That amount of time would tend to be caused by more than just a slow tank. I am a very experienced tank and there are always ppl that speak up noe and again to say stuff like “we can skip that pack if you want”, “u know its shorter to go this way” stuff like that. All i say is, oh really, lead the way… dps will rum ahead the correct new way and stop at the next pack and i know what to do. Then from that point on i lead again and keep going and as soon as i need to change something they just type a quick " this way" and i look at where they are and away we go.

In the past, the only issue that new tanks had to deal with is aggro. Aftet tbc that was never an issue again…

In the future just say to the new tank, hey i know a good route if you want to follow me. I am sure almost all new tanks would be happy with you. And if u run into the rare jerk that gets upset about it AND is a noob, then boot him. But i am sure you would be very unlikely to see that. Those horror sories ppl write about rdf experiences are not very real.

Can you retype this post but this time put it in english?

Or you know; just chill a bit.

Elites are by definition a tiny minority of any population, in videogames, real sports, or real life. If they were the overwhelming majority, that would make them only average.

The term “elites” are thrown around like a hot potato like every other buzz word. What percent are elites? To many “casuals” on the forums anyone who participates in group-instanced content is an “elite” or anyone who gives a damn is an “elite”.

I just came back to WoW after over a year and a half of a break. For context when i left, chains of donation wasn’t out yet.

I came back about a week and a half ago. My gear is crap. Normal dungeon gear is better than my gear. I just barely make the item level for heroics.

I used to tank all the time in Legion and BFA. It was a blast. There were some moments where people were less than great, but otherwise it was a good time.

But now, coming back to the game; even tough I’m not new and picking up my characters felt pretty natural after a few days; I’m terrified to tank a dungeon.

And it’s all because of people like the OP. I don’t know the Shadowlands dungeons. I don’t know the routes, which mobs i can skip or the boss mechanics.

And even though I’m only going into normal and heroic dungeons, i can’t help but feel like I’m going to get the stick.

I can hear the inevitable “tank is trash!” When they leave half way through the run. And in this game people are so impatient. If one person leaves everyone seems to leave.

And it’s attitudes like the OP that give tanks anxiety.


It is a word that has meaning, usually the top 1-2% of whatever videogame, sport, or economic stratum.

See above. That’s what makes them special. Sports competitors. Millionaires.

No. This is a self-serving lie, just like the claim you guys make about “Every casual and solo player is demanding a full set of mythic raid gear mailed to them.”

Elitism is the idea that elites are not getting what they deserve, and deserve more, while non-elites (known as “casuals” in videogames) are getting more than they deserve and should get less or nothing in exchange for the money they pay that provides you with the most expensive to produce content in the game.


You know, if you don’t like the way someone else tanks you have a few options.

  1. You could tank.
  2. Make your own group and pick your own tank.
  3. Remember that this is a video game and chill out a bit.
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The word has contextual meaning that no one can agree on. Exactly like the term “casual”.

elit·​ism | \ ā-ˈlē-ˌti-zəm , i-, ē- \

Definition of elitism

  1. leadership or rule by an [elite]

  2. the selectivity of the elite especially in choosing new members

  3. consciousness of being or belonging to an elite

No where in the actual definition is about deserving.

What Blizzard needs to do is block people like you from interacting with other players.

It’s actually wild how much this is true. The amount of time I spend thinking about what the average WoW players is doing is practically zero. I really do not care at all, and the thought I spend my time lording my achievements, mounts, and gear over people is literal a fiction that gets made up on these forums to further a victim complex many posters have.

The term elite is getting used because it’s nebulous and undefinable. You can call anyone you don’t like an elite. Someone who as a rare mount, or a hard to assemble transmog can be considered elite. Someone who gets KSM can be considered elite. Someone who only pet battles in wow and has every strategy perfectly min-maxxed to defeat any comp is elite.

So often on these forums people use casual as a catchall to get them out of any responsibility they might have for their play. It’s easy to ignore the fact that you’re an anchor on your team if you keep calling yourself casual. The problem is that casual is just as undefinable as elite, because I have met players that would call themselves casual that play at all levels of content.

Heck I would consider myself relatively casual. Yes I achieve Cutting Edge but I only raid 2 days a week which I consider a pretty casual raid schedule.

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Reqs dont work for anything in MMOs, go look at XIV the mentor system requires a hefty grind nowadays to get those comms and 90% of the mentors are garbage.

Siobhan here in LFR giving me the sideways mean glare, waiting to pounce the minute I say something in chat, constantly starring at her addon telling her I’m 2.3k IO with lots of Mythic raid kills, trying to figure out what dastardly plans I have concocted and when I will unleash them upon the group.

Meanwhile I’m standing there, hoping Kel’thuzzad finally drops the sword mog I’ve been wanting.

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That’s because the mentor system has two different paths you can go through to obtain the mentor title. There are mentors for crafting/gathering jobs and then mentors for combat jobs. Most go down the crafting/gathering job path because it’s the path of least resistance. Its requirements are way more feasible than what the requirements are for combat mentors. Chances of you getting legitimate feedback for combat stuff is low.

Honestly I couldnt care less about your progress or plans, I have no clue how to use i.o its not my style to worry about such things. I just wish you higher difficulty players would leave the new players or casuals to their business instead of advocating for them to be kicked for learning or not going fast enough. Or stating people dont want more meaningful solo content because of some missing FoS from past expansion.

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Make mog stop dropping in LFR and I will stop carrying the dps for you guys.

Thats just it, I dont think people need to be segregated I just feel there needs to be a little more compassion and understanding that the game is made for a wide difference in players. I dont think mythic players are the devil to be avoided. I just want casuals, new players and solo players to not be made to feel like they dont matter or are undeserving because they dont care for mythic content.

There’s new and learning, then there’s grossly incompetent and/or intentionally being a sandbag. People who afk all fight because they don’t want to do anything, but still get loot (yes this happens). People who get mind controlled from Jailor 6 times in a row is not just “slow at learning”.

Yet again, another GD poster talking about “casuals” the umbrella terms for everything when it fits the narrative.

The problem is that the “higher difficulty players” as you define them aren’t the ones that are yelling at you to go faster or voting to kick. It really is the “casual players” being the toxic and nasty ones. If people like Raiimir or I are in groups, we’re almost certainly sitting their staring at the other monitor waiting for a pull timer.