There Should be Requirements For New Players Before Tanking A Dungeon

None. But I don’t suggest a new player tanks as his first dungeon experience.

No. Melee DPS first. Then find a solo activity to practice mitigation at end game, like Torghast. Then Tank.

He should, from having melee dps’ed it first and thus knowing the movement required to actually tank, from having followed a tank for a few dungeons. Melee dps is the best spot to learn what it is exactly a tank does with mobs.

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What solo activity do new players have to learn how to tank ?

Torghast is not a new player experience it is a veteran player experience.

Tell me what solo queueable content do new players have to learn how to tank ?

Only way I know for them to learn how to tank is by doing dungeons as they level and getting experience that way . You know like every other tank has gotten experience since the game launched in 2004.

Only difference is back then people had some patience because the game was new but now people have the patience of a 4 year old in the back seat going " are we there yet " because they can’t seem to take the time to help new tanks learn.

Problem isn’t new tanks not being able to tank the problem is everyone else that honestly doesn’t give them a chance to learn or to help them learn .

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It is after they’ve reached 60. The tuning at low layers is pretty soft. If you can progress through Torghast on your tank spec, you’re probably going to learn how to tank a dungeon well enough to start queuing more trivial dungeons.

I mean you can take my advice, or you can ignore it and keep having issues.

A new player should absolutely not tank low level dungeons without having first experienced what melee dps is. I do not suggest it and doubt they’ll manage to pick up anything really substantial about tanking or even running dungeons.

I actually hate dungeons like this. It’s really hard to teach a new player to hold aggro, like I’ll wait to dps and stuff and i’ll still be tanking for the whole dungeon as a dps. I’m not even sure how to give advice to someone who is like brand new to wow, because there’s probably a million reasons why i have aggro every pull.

with that being said, i sit thru it and wait longer and longer until the tank feels more comfortable. it actually does take patience but honestly it probably goes a long way with newer players. Most of the time i just tell them to use their aoe ability more and that helps but I do like helping, it is annoying tho

But isn’t this how they learn?

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There are better ways to learn tanking than jumping right into it as your first WoW experience.

Learning simply what a dungeon is, what kind of melee visuals there are, how pulls are grouped, interrupting, you can all do as a DPS, and probably a better time and easier learning curve.

Melee DPS is the best intro to tanking there is.

yeah, for sure. Honestly there’s like no easing into tanking if you’re new, you’re kinda just thrown to the wolves of dps and healers who have hierlooms and know the game.

So they shouldn’t learn how to tank until they are level 60 .

So who is going to tank for people leveling since most of the higher level players are playing the newest content ?

Trial by fire is a term that comes to mind when I think back learning how to Tank and do PvP for Ranked PvP. Unforgiving when trying to do it alone, but can bear fruit if one remains determined.

Alternate route would be to ask friends for help, if one does not have any then perhaps while during some random dungeon runs, ask if someone wants to add ya as a friend and do more dungeons together. Easier said than done as some are shy, and fear judgement and such.

Though hence why during my time on level 10 twinks, I tend to keep going with some if they are new and request to do more dungeons. If I have the time to spare though as sometimes I sadly do not.

No, I wouldn’t advise picking tank until you’ve reached level 60. That’s my suggestion, you do whatever it is you want.

People who’ve already leveled to 60 and are leveling an alt. How is this a question ? Like 90% of people leveling are veteran players who’ve already most likely played every role in the game. This game doesn’t see a huge deluge of new players at this point, 18 years into its lifespan.

You think every tank you run into leveling is a new player ?

Did you take a time machine back to 2004 ?

Ok so once again if you are saying people should wait until level 60 to tank how would groups say from 10 to level 59 learning and normal high end dungeons get formed if there are no tanks at those levels because people need to wait until they are 60 to tank .

Also where are those so called level 60 tanks ? Oh yeah they are doing heroics or mythic dungeons leaving the level 50s- 59s with out a way to queue because there are no tanks in your ideal world.

Read the whole post next time ?

I already answered your question. New players should not pick tank until they’ve reached 60 as melee dps and know their way around the game and group content. Leave it to veteran players who understand how the trinity works in a dungeon.

That’s my advice.

Yup we have npc tell them repeatedly all the crap dps do and if they still want to tank afterwards we get them mental help . :dracthyr_nod:

So what? There’s lots of us and we buy things. The game would run just as well with people fumbling along with quests and pug dungeons as it would with people playing the game well.

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Keep believing that.

There should be requirement for new players to tank dungeons.

Misread title.

But a good idea, would lead to less dps rage quitters and whining.

I’ve had the opposite experience. My alt Druid hit 80 and my friends helped me tank my first heroic a few minutes later - the only issue I had was a geared and experienced PUG arms warrior hitting whirlwind before I could even hit the boss.

Once he died, it was smooth sailing therein, and he allowed me to swipe or maul a boss before he charged in.

Personally, I really enjoy helping new and returning healers, dps and tanks navigate mechanics or dungeons. It’s the great part of playing a game with other people around the world. If I am not familiar with someone’s name on the server (Yojamba), I will politely ask in /p if anyone is new and needs a bit of guidance in the dungeon, and it takes me less than 15 seconds to ensure a smooth an enjoyable run.

You and people like you are why there are so little tanks. They are there learning if you can’t be patient while they learn then tank yourself otherwise hush (can’t type more appropriate words because TOS) and enjoy the ride. I’m a healer main it bugs me when people pick on tanks. Yes there are bad tanks but newbie tanks are ignorant it’s our job as a community to help them grow otherwise they stay bad.

Edit: This appears to be a troll character. Blizzard should really switch to Bnet ID’s for their forums. So people stop hiding behind Alt characters.

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No, they have to start somewhere. You weren’t great to begin with, right? Were people not patient when you were learning.

I’d rather like to see an intro zone (say 10-20) in the vein of lost isles, but a dungeon tuned with role tutorials.

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No. This is a terrible idea. You were new once too. Shut up.