There Should be Requirements For New Players Before Tanking A Dungeon

Obviously we aren’t talking about these people so I’m not entirely sure why you felt the need to pull them into the conversation.

Being bad at a video game is not justification for being mean. Sorry.

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Are we going to stop the raid and interview everyone so see if they are just new or intentionally being a sandbag before we vote kick or say something?

Again, being bad is different from being incompetent and unable to learn, if even slowly.

No, Raiimir is staring at his other monitor telling all the GD plebs his IO score lmfao.

Then enjoy me experiencing your content at your level and thus being able to talk about it authoritatively and dispell any myths you’re trying to spread about it.

In leveling dungeons I tend to be a bit more toxic if the tank is really awfully slow. But since a mage can face tank most leveling dungeons until level 30, it’s no biggie.

In LFR though, there’s no point in doing anything, the group will wipe if you try any shenanigans.

If I’m in LFR, there’s a good chance I’m tabbing on the forums too.

Also, I just told you my lowish DK IO score, I didn’t really flex :rofl:

Any reasonable person will be able to tell the difference between the two. If someone is AFKing then yeah, they are deliberately throwing the raid/not pulling their weight. Generalizing is part of the toxicity.

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There is no difference between a new player reading quest text and a veteran afking at the door.

See in leveling dungeons I just tank. I get to set my pace and it’s basically impossible to die.

So, it’s okay to generalize when it benefits you? Generalizing casuals when it helps your story. Any time you use a term to define a group of players, you are automatically generalizing. So I guess everyone is toxic.

What groups have I generalized?

You have never used the term Casual, Elite(ist/ism), Open-Worlder?

You also used the term “toxicity” which is another GD buzz word with no agreeable objective definition.

That’s why I loved leveling my Warlock in MoP.

I could just tank.

Pissed off a couple tanks though.

But yeah, whenever I level a tank/heal capable class, I just tank/heal.

How is using a term to describe a type of player in any way the same as generalizing unskilled players with intentionally incompetent players to justify your disposition at getting frustrated with them? Those are two wholly different discussions.

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You said generalizing is part of toxicity. You can’t pick and choose when it’s “toxic” or not. That’s entirely subjective.

Ive not tried spreading myths, Ive only asked for people to be allowed to learn at their pace, or god forbid the game to be given more solo friendly progression. I think there’s plenty of room for everyone and aside from people actively trolling, not saying thats you in any form was more refrencing the comments about floor tanks, people should be allowed to play their way.

No, I said generalizing is part of the toxicity, I.E. the toxicity associated with shaming new players for not knowing everything there is to know about their role and the game itself.

Being mean is toxic. I don’t think that’s really up for discussion and is generally agreed upon by societal standards.

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Leveling is its most friendly solo though.

Quest to cap. 0 groups required. Tons of gold earned. Good stories along the way.

It sounds like you are trying to make “new players” and “casuals” synonyms or in the same boat. They are not.

Being mean is subjective. Everyone has different tolerances for what crosses the line. Some things are more universal true than others, but most are in the grey area.

Explain to me where the line is drawn by “societal standards” that is also universally true based on geographical location.

You should know “societal standards” change massively even from town to town.

Personally I appreciate when more experienced players are in lfr or dungeons with me and tell the group what to do, thats not an issue thats a bonus. I just dont think we need to advocate for restrictions on new players running leveling content

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Except we aren’t doing that. At most we’re saying “hey maybe tanking as soon as you join the game might not be the best move.” but no one is seriously, aside from OP who is a notorious forum troll, advocating new players not be allowed to tank.

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No? I’m sticking to the theme of the thread, which is about new players. The only person who could possibly be grouping them together is you, because you seem to think that players who act in bad faith (intentionally not participating in the raid) is justification for you to assume that anyone who doesn’t understand their role in the game is part of the aforementioned group.

Being mean is mean. Moving the goalposts by saying that it’s subjective isn’t going to do you any favors here. If you yell at someone for not being as good at the game as you are, that is mean. If you belittle someone for not being as efficient in their role, that is mean.

If a waiter accidentally drops your drink and it spills all over the place and you start yelling at them for being so incompetent at their job, do you honestly believe that the majority of those around are going to be in agreement with you? You will, at most, have maybe 3 or 4 people. The rest of them are going to raise their brows at you and think of you as entitled, or in more modern terms, a Karen.

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