There Should be Requirements For New Players Before Tanking A Dungeon

This doesn’t exist.

New players can only use 1 track for leveling. Chromie Time only unlocks if you have a max level toon.

You dont need chromie time to actually hop on the boat to northrend or jump through the dark portal, you can actually go into that stuff without chromie time.

I just brought a friend to the game recently who has 3 50s now as she doesnt have SL and she hasnt done much of anything in BfA, its not mandatory to play there first

The game doesn’t even promote or steer you in that direction. You’d have to know what you’re doing and ignore every breadcrumb quest to do that. And you’d find the most miserable of leveling experience.

The first thing a new player is going to do is go out and fumble through exploring whats around them and getting lost in all there is to see

No, new players mostly will follow the narrative around. The game is quite good at pointing you at the right NPCs and dialog.

I think you’ve forgotten what its like to be new to a big beautiful world and not have that end target in sight

I do agree that the story is a cluster, and the alternatives given the design of character progression would have been a really long and convoluted road, or a much shorter yet much more convoluted (but again, much shorter) road.

I have no better alternative to offer.

As for the new player experience in group content being at the mercy of impatient and unsympathetic veterans , I agree it’s a problem, and I don’t think it’s a problem Blizz can fix.

I literally played Lost Ark not too long ago.

Then I just have to assume you have no sense of exploration left in you, the new players I see as someone who prefers the open world are all over the place getting lost in it all

Or I’ve grown up on video games and know better than to go off the leveling path in an RPG ?

There are a fair number of very outspoken highly skilled and experienced players who are under the impression that they somehow represent the majority, that most people are like them. This comes from isolating yourself from most players.

What these players want will certainly be good for them (more and better loot and more advantages), but in no way would it be good for the game. But they are unable to think outside the box, to even imagine that players do not all play competitively. They cannot even imagine that everyone who is not exactly like them wouldn’t envy them and want to be like them.

The “veteran players” Raiimir is picturing in his mind includes only the top 1% of players.

The fact is that changing leveling to make players like that happy would be pretty disastrous for the game. And yet it would get little utilization from those who are demanding it, since a small percentage of 1% shouldn’t be what the game is designed around.

My evidence: I have played PvE twinks for many years. A properly geared lowbie will do crazy damage. I never say anything. Once in maybe 20 dungeons someone will ask what’s going on.

That’s 1 in 100 levelers who is using a meter. The rest are not.

The purpose of leveling now is to push players into end game as fast as possible, on the delusion that a day or two after you log into the first MMO you have ever played, you should be ready to get KSM and start mythic raiding.

I mean I guess you and I just have a very greatly different opinion of what an RPG is about. I too grew up on video games and rpgs, hell I spent junior high huddled in my room playing the orginal final fantasy and rpgs have always been about the adventure and the exploration and seeing where you could go. But you do you and ride that unchanging path of yours I guess.

Yeah, I guess all my LFR clears, Normal clears, Heroic dungeon runs, alts level, ZM exploration, Korthia exploration, Covenant feature completions don’t count for anything.

I raided Mythic once so now I’m isolated from the gen. pop.

The truth of the matter is, and a fact you casuals can’t accept : most high end players just know more about the whole game than you guys do. Because we’ve done it all, at every level of play.

No actually, it includes the alt addicts who’ve never touched end game, the casual folk.

Your long rant shows that you are the one that’s disconnected from the player base.

Have you tried going further than 10 steps from Tantegel in Dragon Warrior before you reach level 4 ?

You don’t get slapped back to the start for nothing.

Most CRPGs, WoW included, have very strict leveling paths. Those areas you want to explore, the narrative will take you there when you’re actually ready.

But you look down on those that dont know it all or dont play at your level and expect they should be kicked out or isolate themselves


No. That’s something you guys make up in your head. You see us high up, we’re right down here with you, in every bit of content you do.

When it comes to leveling, pretty much every level 60 you meet will have alts they leveled and have vast experience of about every dungeon in every expansion. They run those dungeons in Timewalking at end game, ran 'em leveling their 20th alt.

If 4 people in your group want XP/Hour, which is what the majority of players leveling these days want, as a 5th you either kick it into high gear, or you get kicked to the curb.

Don’t tell me people want a slow paced leveling experience either, one just needs to witness all the gnashing of teeth at the removal of the Winds of Wisdom buff to know that’s tauren poop.

No this isn’t new player friendly. The game is way beyond that. Which is why new players should honestly be very wary going into dungeons for the first time, and not do so as a role like Tank, where not pressing W is going to raise some eyebrows.

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Dude you’ve basically said we’ve done it all 20 times and dont want to do it anymore so you new comers can only do it if you do it on our terms or get kicked, that sounds like looking down on the new players to me


If you dont let them learn to tank in a leveling dungeon they are going to have to learn it in end game content and get raged at even worse

I mean I’ll admit I can appreciate a smooth leveling experience and dont really care for a long dungeon but Im not going to advocate against someone trying to learn. Id rather have them learning it now than screwing things over at level cap

No one knows the guy afking at the door smelling the roses is a new player or a leech abusing the good graces of his teammates.

New players don’t have a huge flashing Neon sign on their heads saying “NEW PLAYER BE GENTLE”.

Good, that’s where they should learn. Torghast actually provides the perfect learning grounds for a Tank. Melee DPS first to get the gist on being in melee, then learn how to mitigate damage, and best place to do that is in a no consequence Torghast run.

I mean, that just sounds like a personal problem. Doesn’t mean it takes effort.