Even vets who take breaks for whole expansions and then come back need time to refamiliarize themselves with the game since every expansion is a whole new redesign of the classes and systems for some odd reason, the point is leveling dungeons are where people learn so let them learn
Well first of all, there’s no character level. It’s just your job level.
Second, yes, it is easier to level an alt job, but you are leveling up the same bracket of 1-90 with varying starting points depending on when the class was introduced into the game.
Third, I would not describe WoW leveling as having effort. It is pretty effortless by all means. Certainly no more effort than leveling in FFXIV.
Above all this, having to put effort into something doesn’t excuse being toxic. That is the thing that should be taken away from this.
People seem under the impression Waycrest is a maze. There’s literally only 1 door that opens at the door, forcing a linear path through.
A thing best done in questing content than dungeons.
I don’t know dude, I struggle to keep awake each time.
A cursory glance shows you arent the average wow player, if they designed everything in the game for a player like you it would go the way of Wildstar and we all know how that turned out
Read a whole novel of gibberish
Yet I feel perfectly on par with the 4 other peeps in leveling dungeon and they very often just match my speed without issue.
If anything, Dungeons like the OP describe are the abnormality.
Oh definitely, Ive never had a dungeon take an hour. Im just saying we dont need to go throwing restrictions on new players when leveling dungeons are where people learn to play their roles
No, but the best advice I can give new players is to avoid dungeons, or at least avoid them as anything but dps. And for Vets, avoid BfA even if it is the most optimized leveling experience, and use vote to kick or leave the dungeon if it’s a train wreck.
Personally Im of the opinion the game should be starting new players at the cataclysm stage and having people play through things chronologically. That way they have some sense of whats going on and things are ramping up in complexity instead of starting them right in BfA which makes little sense. But thats what the devs decided for some reason so we should I feel be more understanding of new players and how confusing it is and maybe just relax a little.
There should be requirements for trolls starting threads but hey, we can’t always get what we want can we?
No new players would ever reach end game, ever again.
Im not saying that they should have to complete every expansion before they can do end game, I just feel they should be started at cataclysm on their first character instead of being started in the middle. The game is already set up to drop everything and shove you into the current expansion when you hit the target level. But starting a new player in what is essentially the last expansion is not a good idea story wise or gameplay wise as its a lot of complexity instead of easing them into mechanics and systems and such.
Story wise, Exile’s Reach → BfA makes the most chronological sense, as that can actually be a coherent story from start to finish in Shadowlands.
Not to mention, no flying until level 30. Also, I have no idea, is 250 g a big ask for new players by level 30? At any rate, getting around Kul’Tiras or Zul’dazar by foot vs getting around Kalimdor and EK on foot.
Last time I did it, as long as you’re questing, you’ll have plenty of gold.
If you’re dungeon grinding, you won’t.
I cant argue that exiles reach does flow into BfA smoothly but I still feel BfA is a terrible place to start a new player in the game. That expansion was nowhere near designed for someone just starting the game.
Personal preferences aside, how do you figure? The leveling was decent on both sides right? If you take out the HOA stuff and Azerite gear, there’s a main thread you get to do every few levels and the zone main quest. Seems streamlined to me. BfA Normal dungeons are probably a bit rough depending on the scaling?
Honestly curious, not defending BfA. It was a bad expansion to spend 2 years in, but I don’t think it’s that bad as a way to cap?
Freehold is likely the first dungeon you encounter alliance side. It requires quite a few interrupts which leveling players don’t yet have.
But realistically, letting those casts off don’t even hurt sub level 30 players because of how scaling works.
The game is in a state thats very convoluted and confusing to a new player these days with the scaling everywhere and the ability to just start leveling where ever with no sense of where you are chronologically, the difference in mechanics from expansion to expansion varies a lot and we cant just expect a new player to jump in and know what to do and how to do it all while keeping up with us veteran players. But the playerbase has declined greatly and we need that new blood so a little understanding and encouragement is greatly needed not people saying go faster, or no you shouldnt be allowed to do this until you meet our requirements
People say things like the game is all about dungeons and raids and grouping up, well then let them learn in a dungeon dont tell them they have to go learn their role out questing