There seems to be an issue with specifically R1/Glad cutoffs

I’m also here to show continued support for a dear friend. I watched Thor pour his heart and soul into his climb throughout the expansion. Always pushing himself to be better and climb higher and against all odds (i.e streamers selling last day injections for people that want a title) he earned it. It’s so heartbreaking that the state of the game now is so disconnected from what we once knew back in the original days. It really does feel like this company that always had someone available to help when there were problems has just turned its cheek to put as little effort as possible to make sure that people are treated fairly.

I sincerely hope this is made right, because if there is anyone that deserves the reward they earned, it’s this team.


Not to get philosophical or anything but I’m going to draw on my few decades on this earth and share my main takeaway so far.

Do the right thing.

I believe you, Blizzard, know what the right to do is in this situation. It’s just a matter of if you want to take the time out of your day to do it. Please do.

Do the right thing.


Just read your new edit. Very well said. Hopefully Blizzard makes the necessary cutoff adjustments so that the teams just outside of cutoffs get their deserved rewards/titles.

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blizzard do the right thing!


Getting Gladiator is a difficult achievement to say the least. Earning it legitimately and having it taken from you because of an ineligible team isn’t really acceptable so please Blizzard fix this. I think we can all agree.


Please fix blizz!!!

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It is absurd for Blizzard to not update the glad or r1 cutoff based on dq’d and/or ineligible teams. There was enough chicanery going on with the ladder already, it sucks for some people to get screwed out of titles and mounts by this on top of everything else.


Bumping for visibility. Grob mob.

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Exactly in the same situation here. We need an answer.


No, an injection is when you invite some 3k MMR players onto your 2600 rated team. They proceed to play at 3k MMR range; whether they win or lose, going 50/50 it will increase your team rating, eventually to 2699, which generally reaches a new cutoff. Whoever was on the team before at 2600 PR will be in range for rewards for the +99 cutoff.

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A very well written post

For anyone interested - a well written post was included in the wow community council forum and a response from Blue indicating how important it is to reward people accordingly for their efforts:

[Classic WotLK] Regarding PvP - Community / WoW Community Council - World of Warcraft Forums (


practically and theoretically, we are in the 0.5% elegible teams for the reward. #BlizzardDoTheRightThing

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Blizzard spent the whole beginning of TBC making the PvE scene boring and too long, especially phase one, in an attempt to make the arena more fair. But in the end doesn’t fairly give out Glad titles to the deserving people in a system that is more difficult to attain than in vanilla TBC.

Blizzard, get your act together and reward the teams who should have made the cutoff. Please at least start pretending you care about the Classic community.


I remember in S1 someone had this same issue and had to come to the forums to get blizzard to give them their title, funny how they never learn and make people have to go the extra mile to get the rewards they earned.


Yeah I remember streamers getting DQ’d then crying and getting it overturned. As well as the piloted characters keeping their titles after the ban.

Blizzard picks and chooses, pretty sad.


Completely agree, Blizzard please review this - there are so many factors that have already tampered with the fair playing field in the arena, let’s not invite even more by letting this effective bug persist.


If a team is dead, inactive or disqualified they definitely shouldn’t be taking slots. Hope this gets addressed.


Appreciate all the support on this thread. Hoping blizzard gives us some love.


This really should be looked at. I hope a blue post comes soon.

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Honestly - this is BS and I dont get why Blizzard wouldnt want to reward the people who worked hard to secure Glad over those who are inactive or banned. Just sad display from them especially with no posts clearing anything regarding this up.

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