There no revered rewards for supply faction?

Yeah download GatherMate for Classic along with GatherMate Wowhead Data (two addons)

Import the treasure data from wowhead and then run around high level zones looking for Solid Chests. In my experience, 1 in 3 Solid Chests will have a Waylaid Supplies. Much better drop rate than nornal mobs.

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Just add the Grizzby Rune and i’ll be happy.


All this wait for a 16 slot bag and some meh necks? :frowning_face:

Ok, the 16 slot bag is nice, but those necks are ultra bad. Like level 20 green bad.

To be fair, being bind on account you only have to buy them once and can swap them around to all your alts

Not too exciting for people who only play one character I guess, but for altoholics like me…

That’s because they can be equipped by lvl 1s.

So? Those stats are still just really bad and with as fast as leveling is currently, they will be worthless so quickly.

Yeah I don’t even do alts so they dont matter that much to me.

I am happy with the 16 slot bags and the 12g turn in for the lvl 40 crates though.