There needs to be a new mage Polymorph

Where you turn someone into a bowl of fruit.

I would die laughing.


A random fruit. apple, melon, banana, ect!

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I think I treaded on this meme a bit too much…

That is fruitist!

And it’s rolling around! Would be hilarious.

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They should bring ammo back for hunters, and have the ammo be bananas and grapes

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Exactly! Just like how the confused creatures scurry around.

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I could see Blizzard doing this as a kind of in-joke…though I highly doubt they’re that self-introspective.

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I want a Tome of Polymorph: Pickle

I would opt for an AoE polymorph and turn em all into the fruit of the loom guys.

Blood elf players are already pretty fruity so we’re half way there

It’s been asked:

Also, Polymorph: Duck