There is only like 2000 people on jg, 10k playing in total?

Whenever people post stuff like that I can’t help but wonder what they’re compensating for.

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Driving really large trucks.

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No but seriously.

Like are their feelings of inadequacy so profound that they feel the need to try to prove to random people on the internet that they’re “better” than they are?

I always give them the benefit of a doubt and assume that they really do make 250k/year or 500k/year or whatever they’re claiming, but it’s like, cool? Do they think that makes them better than other people? Does that mean they’re a worse person than Justin Beiber?



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I blame Canada for the Beibs.
And social media because he’s warped.
I mean he’s a Leafs fan. UGH

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Oh no, only 2000 people??

There are only 300 total people playing on Mutanus -at all- on both sides combined

Jom is doing fine.

Jom best server

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I feel attacked.

I’d raid but I’d rather not deal with sweaty nerds arguing over pixels on a video game instead of just clicking buttons.

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Why don’t I know who your toon is yet

It’s the best part of classic by far. Raiding isn’t all that interesting. Battlegrounds are repetitive.

Which is why it’s so curious that people want faster leveling rates.

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Same could be said to Glinda and his attempting to be smart and witty responses. what are you compensating for Glinda? You realize nobody likes you on here or in real life right? That’s why you’re just al ow level forum troll.

So you’re just terrible at Wow and other video games, got it.

Welcome back from your vacay.

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Would a hug help, friend?

He really tries his little heart out.

you already used that response nerd. you need some new material.

you sound like the dad gamer baddy in bg’s that break cc during a flag cap, lose the game then report people for telling you, you made a mistake. You literally can’t handle people telling you you’re bad at the game, or take responsibility for why your team/raid loses or can’t down content…

You sound very upset.
You should consider accepting that nicely offered hug.