There is only like 2000 people on jg, 10k playing in total?

A video a guy did months ago shortly after the release, there were like 30k on jg, but now only 2000 from what I see now.
How is a drop like that possible? Is there a place with more accurate numbers or…?

Most people play for the leveling and early pre-bis experience and then dip.


Sounds about right. Everyone came for the fresh and then stopped playing.


how am I 5000 something in standing on horde but only 2k people total? hmmmm


damn that is sad. only in p1 and the game is dead. there won’t be anyone around in even 3 let alone 6

You’re looking at population based off of raid logs. Only 2000 people are raiding. The population is higher than that

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i just looked at it again. you are right i see “Active raiders” in the title.

however it still seems pretty dead. no one was in stormwind today and 20 min WCG queues…

You think you do, but you don’t when it comes to fresh servers. Blizzard originally said 100% extra xp from quests and ended up nerfing it down due to backlash. Now people realized that buffing quest xp literally does not have a significant impact in leveling and are getting burnt out.


20 min WCG queues…

That’s because alliance extremely out number horde, it doesnt have anything to do with ally population being low.


Every single 60 is in BRM from alliance as far as i can tell.

This is a lie

Stormwind and IF are always packed


imgur .com /vRHCe5m

yeah “packed”

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Really? I remember they increased the XP on the PTR to what they ended up rolling with…

when did they say 100%?

Phase 2, ackshually.

A really, really, really big pool party.

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yea like 5k people at said party… You can’t be in a 5k standing unless they’re 4999 other people in the standing so his 2k number is a bit off.

Yeah, I was agreeing with you.

Organic pool was like 4500-5000 when I was ranking before pool party. It’s probably still around 4k

So here’s a screenshot of my Census addon from Jom Alliance.

The addon says 0 consecutive census ran, but it has been constantly running since around December 21st, minus any time I’m not online. I probably play between 5 and 8 hours per day, with occasional days where I don’t feel like playing. All in all, probably 30 to 40 hours per week this addon is running.

The addon normally counts anything between level 1 and 70, but I modified it to only check between levels 20 and 60.

At the top it shows the total number of characters, and for the screenshot I hovered over the level 60 column to display total number of 60s.

This is for Alliance only.

The accuracy of this report can only be measured in your own mind as far as you trust the addon itself. The numbers look super sketch to me, but I run it anyway.

Edit: Also worth noting is that I’m unemployed and I have a terribly screwed up sleep schedule, so this thing has ran pretty consistently at all hours of the day. For example I woke up at 5pm today because I took melatonin last night, but I’ll probably be up until 10pm tomorrow and then wake up at 6am the next day. I don’t think there is an hour of the day I haven’t ran this census consistently.