There is only like 2000 people on jg, 10k playing in total?

uh… this is a themepark game, sir.

They want people playing their game.
They don’t want toxic jerks spewing vitriol everywhere because they’re emotionally stunted and can’t handle losing in a video game.


wow has always been a toxic game. especially classic

Vanilla wasn’t terrible.
It was mostly just the handful of guilds on the server that could actually do the raids talking down to everybody else. Those are the only people that are still left really, I’d wager the vast majority of casuals quit ages ago.

People also had more fun with the chat, it wasn’t just constant dookieposting like it is these days.

WoW raiding is login once/twice a week then logout.

There is no reason to do anything once you reach that point.

Which is why sandbox MMOs have better game design. Themepark, you literally hit the end of the ride and must wait until the content is given to you.

Sandbox > Themepark (Runescape / RPG MO , way better game design)

These forums are more alive than my server is rofl…

But Blizz is being dishonest with the numbers. They report SUBs for Classic numbers. They report PLAYERS for retail count. And they also allow certain counters in retail that they do not allow in Classic.

this comment would get you banned in game with the automated system and enough people reporting you. see the issue?

tell me you live at your moms house still and make minimum wage, without saying it :slight_smile:

Just to be clear you mean people abusing the reporting function.

If anything it hinders the experience 'cause now you’re broke trying to buy your class abilities LOL

At least I’m not banned.

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farm consumes for said raid.

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Run around and have fun.


fun is for losers. true hardcores turn sound off and talk down to people who enjoy WoW’s great voice acting.

except kael’thas, he sounds like he has a cold…


wow 2000 that’s almost a full vanilla server how ever did they pull off stuff back in the day with only 2000 people on a sever :open_mouth:

i never said i got banned. learned to read. also i made 250k last year working from home. how about you bud? :slight_smile:

yes. its blatantly obvious the player base is abusing this. automated report system. pointless to even talk about though since Blizz is too cheap to pay humans to be GM’s.

think it is already worse getting off my 2 week ban lol

That wouldn’t place you in the top 1% of earners in Alabama.

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I felt like responding to that would be like clicking on an online ad that sounds strangely familiar.

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