There is no doubt that this is going to go down as the worst season in M+ history

They wanted delves to be the big showcase. It makes sense that they would want it to outshine m+ in S1.

Sort of how new classes are OP when they introduced.

As someone who has played all three roles in keystones up to +9 I will say the first issue with m+ is that there’s a big gap between getting rune crests and gilded crests. You could even get enchanted rune quests from outdoor world activities. It feels like there should have been (yet another, godforsaken) currency in between rune and gilded to smooth things out.

The second issue I see with m+ is tanks and healers are far more rare than I’ve ever seen before. I can see why, at least from playing both archon and oracle holy priest. The hero talents are boring. Healing feels ineffectual. I feel like I spend most of my time healing myself or putting the damage reductions on myself. If I die anyways the dps are able to take care of themselves, at least on trash. And so there’s no point in me even being there.

Someone in the group had already been playing, and we just didn’t loot our keys until we’d already done a few, that way we could just loot an 8 from a dungeon.

Ahh that’s smart

No, some of us have gear but still aren’t happy with this season.

While you do have a point, i have to disagree on the respect part. Respect needs to go both ways, and if you treat me like dirt, i’ll happly drop your group and go elsewhere, because i’ll not tolerate someone else treating me like that, or acting like a entitled arsehat. Also group expectations must be always set from the get-go, so that way people know exactly what they are getting into.

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Ah yes more people that complain about m plus and don’t even try to play it.

Or come late and are mad that they don’t get their under leveled characters into keys

Or people that think they can face roll the keyboard and not be called out for being horrible.

Mythic + is here to stay. Still doing better than df s1.

You don’t have to play it. But stop acting like your 20 people crying over it in the forums means that everyone is having a bad time. Plenty people like it. Enough to be kept on the gameplay loop. Unlike other things that just phased out after the expansion is over. Blizzard would have outright removed it a long time ago if it was as bad as forum goblins paint it up to be.

I hope delves make the cut.

And mplus will still be there.

And forum goblins will keep crying about their inability to do anything with it or about it.

The issue isn’t that people are expecting.

If I’m posting a 7 GB to farm skardyns grave I want to get through it as fast as possible.

Which means I’m going to take that 2300 io person over that 2k io person

By contrast, even Limit raiders agreed the design of this season is headscratching to say the least.

I’ll take their words for it over yours.


I just wish they would leave the dungeons alone. Like third boss of necrotic wake was perfectly fine and then some Einstein was like let’s make this boss literally insane for no reason


You know. It’s weird. I was gathering quotes from like 15 different threads and preparing some huge diatribe. Then, I left the PC to walk the dogs, came back, and realized… I just don’t care enough about M+ to sweat it. I’ve expressed my opinions on it and am done keeping this thread alive. So you have an amazing day.

Because it is not “VaultFarmville: DF S3 Edition”. And with that… I am good. :blue_heart:

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I always start with respect. I have never been some elitist that “respect must be earned”. Mutual respect can be given freely at the start, and greater respect is simply earned over time. The reason I don’t get toxic with people is because there are already enough jerks in the world. Now more than ever, we need more heroes and less zeros.

In your opinion.

It’s fun. Sucks getting beat up, but a bit of a challenge is nice.

It’s most likely due to the fact that with the new structure of keys, you can’t out gear them so skill has to be involved. Since this is GD, 99% of them are hard stuck in 3’s

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Nothing can’t beat Dragonlight season 1 as a terrible season , remember how overtuned was ruby life pools ? It’s was horrible until they fix it on season 4 , this season doesn’t even compare to that one , this season i can’t say i have any problem with the dungeon rotation we have it’s all about knowing the mech and practicing it , sometime it can take over 8 to 10 run for a dungeon to really master it

This account doesnt even have KSM this season.

I doubt you have a large friendlist for keys.

Then we get to see you complain about how elitism is in heroics. You dont even do mythic dungeon or raids, why do you want content to be removed? Whats your end goal? That everyone does world content only and sits in town?

There is no elitism in Heroics because Heroics today are a step below the “elite” level. I run Heroics all day to help friends and guildies, and we often need a 4th or a 5th and pug it. Never have any of the issues or toxicity we get in Mythics. If I had an end goal, and Blizz was actually listening to me, here is what I would tell them:

  • Revert Mythics to Heroics and dump the timers.
  • Add the Mythic “Challenge Mode” back in, and have the gear be 12 ilvl points higher than heroics.
  • Make it so Delves are on par with dungeons. T1-5 are like Normals with the same gear. T6-10 is like Heroics with the same gear. And make T11 like Mythic challenge mode gear.
  • Do the same to raids; however, revert raiding back to ICC Wrath gearing where your initial set is normal, your T2 set is Heroic, and your T3 set is Challenge mode.
  • Give every healer class the same cleanses and interrupts so people can play the healer they like, and not the healer they have to. I am a tank, but they should love what they are doing too.
  • No more timers, and no more deserter debuff. Instead, if a player gets kicked more than 10 times in a 24 hour period, they are obviously a problem and get a 24 hour lockout from LFR, LFD, and LFG, but can still walking into instance content with a preformed group. This forces them to stop acting up and play the game.
  • Gold gets removed from the game. Mogs, repairs, etc are all free. Anything that cost gold in the past from vendors is now free. The AH is turned into a Bartering house where you can trade mats for mats or gear for gear. Gathering becomes more than a gold maker, it becomes a profession maker again. Instead of gold, the more content you do, the more rep you get. The higher the rep, the better the stuff, mounts included.
  • All Rep and Currency are now account wide and are transferrable.

Now, you may like some of it, or you may like none of it. Either way, I truly don’t care. It is an opinion only. Blizz usually stays out of most whiney threads, so this will likely never even be seen. Either way, there are ways to make the game fun again for everyone and not just me. I have tons of gold, mounts, and pets. I play very casually, don’t care about gear score, and only run content with friends and guildmates.

To me, the game is perfect as is, minus some very minor first world issues. But if I want to reduce the absolute torrential rain of tears from certain content on these forums, that used to be fun and informative, then removing stuff that makes people whine is a good thing. But again… Blizz isn’t reading this. Or maybe they can add a forum filter that allows us to block any thread title, topic, or post with keywords. Then I could filter out the word Mythic and look solely at threads that matter.

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If it’s the worst season why does it have so many games played?

Raider IO shows over 18 million for S1

Contrast that with around 7M for DF S1

And how hard would they be? Given heroics are in a state as to be near unfailable, and “challenges” will be 12 ilvl higher than that.