There is a PvP Bot pandemic

They are EVERYWHERE, I can’t even do a Deep Six without the whole side being bots, and it seems more common on Alliance side. Did a seething shore and the alliance were absolute dogwater, until out of no where they became kicking/ccing GODS. After that was a Warsong Gultch, that whole team didn’t even try to hide it.

This is also an issue in Rated PvP content and its more common in 2s.
I can tell when all the player does is tries to cc me, while my partner pounds them, warlock did this in one of my 2s. Even in a Solo had a warlock bot, was a pain to heal this dude cause all they did was just stand there, and spam ccs, nothing else, it was annoying to deal with but it made for 3 easy wins/loses.

PvP right now is not a fun experiance… and wish it got more attention than to be left alone. I do win against some of these bots, but a lot of the games its a lose, 7/10 games I get into are bots.


Not that I doubt you…but what’s the point of PVP bots? They don’t sound like they’re very capable and there really isn’t much reward from PVP other than rating/currency, so why would anyone bot PVP?

I mean, PVE makes sense because it generates gold that can be sold for real money, but I can’t wrap my head around why anyone would do it for PVP.

Idk, but they are everywhere, and some of these bots are INSANE! Some are just derpy

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Beep. Boop. :robot:


Maybe people are using a bot script to farm honor for their alts’ first set of gear.

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World of Botcraft

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This makes a lot of sense

I assume it’s this. It’s part of the downside of the PvP gear grind. While, IMO, it’s the best way they’ve used for gearing for PvP, it’s still painful to do in BGs, so a bunch of people bot it, making it even worse for everybody else.

Forgot these bots also do no fall for bait casts, they only intorrupt when the cast is ALMOST about done. Its nasty

What do you mean by bots?

Their play style is off, how they behave/act during matches, how they become persistant on trying to cc my healer, like the warlock I mentioned in original post; I tested that bot, it was hard focused on trying to fear me, I would max rang it fear effortlessly while my partner was all up in their buisness, it just straight up stopped doing dps trying to cc me.

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You’re right, we should just abandon PVP as its nothing but bots

Someone can’t fathom they got beat in pvp… so must be a bot.


Who is casting spells with a long cast time close enough to an enemy to be kicked? I guess melee classes have to do that perhaps.

because pvp also requires gear to actually start playing, so you bot out the honor/conquest instead of grind yourself down on an uphill battle.
Basically, you’re going to lose anyway so just have the bot do it.

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bots in bg’s helped me farm my way to Justicar.

when the other team is programmed to jump down from the gy and make a beeline for mid and engage the first player, it’s easy to plan a flag run :grin:

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All three of these comments, yeah, you don’t know what your talking about. Say the cast is 0.2secs from finished being casted, then just kicked, you can’t bait these bots at all, the bots know. Go, join the lower brackets, you’ll see. I have tried the baiting, it doesn’t work, bet these bots infest brackets from 0-2000, 1000-1400 its at its worse. Also, just looked, your already in those low brackets.

I got too old to be any good at pvp, at 54 I cant keep up with all the 20 -25 year olds anymore, but I did get Knight Champion title and Warbound Veteran of the Alliance title.

But Trîçks pvp story is now over, there will be no more pvp journeys for me, save one. (The Bloodthirsty title)


What you mean too old? I use to pvp with someone that was in their 80s, really good boomy, though, haven’t heard from them since legion… almost 10 years ago. I am just getting back into pvp and man, first bots I ran into was in BfA, double DH, in sync leaped to my partner after I bubbled, so I also Ultimate Sacrificed him. We won, those bots in BfA were dumb compared to these ones… these ones are on a whole new lvl.

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Hello human, there are no bots in World of WarCraft, the online sensation that took online gaming to a new level in the early 2000s. I assure you this game is very human and there are many ways to detect automation.

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