There goes my nice quiet server

some just aren’t worth bothering with anymore. sha of fear can spawn at any of several points (3? i forget) around the zone and dies instantly.

If you are having problems in old world zones that solution is simple…

Turn on warmode. You are alliance :grin:

What’s weird is my “quiet” realm Winterhoof always said it was “medium” pop and I agree it’s pretty busy with questers. But with this new combonding it is now over night labeled “low”. I wonder if we’re next?!?!

Why people want to be on low population realms is beyond me? I like full realms. There are more guilds, the economy is better, you actually see people running around in the world, there is just so much more variety. I do dislike full realms that are one sided though.

Honestly no idea, I’ve never seen any BFA discs but it wouldn’t surprise me if they were still made for collectors.

They changed server population designations overnight several times in Legion. We have no way of knowing what it means.

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You’re right.

These posts are about classic but maybe it’s the same for retail :man_shrugging:

These people need their safe space.

Other people existing = ohmygawd they’re invading MY space!

Some people like country living some people like city living :slight_smile:

Cross-realm zones and connected realms are unrelated. We’ve had CRZ for many years now.

Realms that get cross realms with realms that make them high population should give people an option to switch characters to another low pop realm if they like low pop. It seems like a fair compromise for those who want low pop and then get cross realmed to high pop :smiley:

It’s an MMO, deal with it.

Rather be connected then have CRZ.