There goes my nice quiet server

Sign me up, just keep deadpool away from me.

Nerf DH, or delete it, one of the two.


I’m not saying you have to be social, but…

Why in Hate would you play a multiplayer game and expect there to not be other players?

Also funny coming from someone on Frostmourne(OP). That server’s crowded compared to mine. People everywhere.

Our servers just got merged with about four others and it’s awesome. I’ts nice seeing more people around.

Oh no, people in an MMO, the horror…

Yeah I explained that above, i play on fundrak, but i admit im probably not the sort of player bliz targets their game at. Thats ok ill play if i can find a way to enjoy my time.

Well maybe you shouldn’t complain while playing an MMO and people wouldn’t have to state the obvious. There are plenty of single player games you can buy and enjoy. I never understand why people whine about players being on a game mean’t to have tons of them.

They didn’t listen :rofl:

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You know the people you see aren’t just from your realm or connected realms, right? I see people all the time from other realms not connected to mine. Even in boralus.

Well, you can play on some of the few Low pop realms still in existence. Funny but I don’t notice when I log on to this toon as compared to my other High/Full pop realms.

Trust me,it wouldn’t last people will start moving to other servers because of the crowds. Ours was like that once but 6 months later, where is everyone.

Does Wow even still come on discs?

The NPC will respawn and you will be ok.

Hang in there kid.

Frostmourne? Quiet?

Come to skeram alliance side if you ever need another small server on classic I should add. We’re small but it’s enjoyable :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree, and it’s going to get real bad at launch of shadowlands. It was fine on my server for me last time, now we have like 6 more servers, it’s going to be long waits.

I feel like theres always been some weird phasing stuff going on ingame, especially around the edges of zones :frowning:

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This is the experience they want you to have. You will have it, and you will like it. Or else.

Blizz in a few months when they “realize” they packed too may servers together: Hey guys! who wants free or discounted transfers to dead servers sans economy!

Or else, I will quit.

…There’s a difference between playing a game with other people around and having to stand in a line that wraps around the block before you can play the game.

Anyway, there shouldn’t be any other people around… Where would they find a dozen "Champion of Azeroth"s and why would that quest giver send them all to collect wolf pelts (again).

I’m just glad Killhoof hasn’t been scheduled for demolition yet. There will be enough people online in two months anyway. No need to stuff more on.

I never understood why Blizz waited until the very end of an xpac to do merges. That’s right before the flood of returning players. The best time (IMO) for merges would be 6 months into the xpac, when the rush is over and your population is going to be pretty stable for the next 18 months.