There are no tanks!

Of course there are tanks! Lots of them in Gnomeregan! Even one of the bosses is one!

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Blizzard also added monks and demon hunters. More tank classes absolutely did not solve the “no tanks” problem.


Im a tank and I wont join SM groups a lot of the times because when i do its just a frustrating experience. Its usually an AoE group and thats not fun for me as a tank. I can get more xp and more $ through questing.


This is quite an interesting thread! on one hand people demanded there be no LFD or LFR because it ruined the sense of community. But here it is, Tanks do not want to tank because this mythical community is not all it is cracked up to be.


Tanks still don’t want to tank, that’s why there are rewards for tanking and healing too.

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You generally won’t see ret paladins tanking because it’s not a tanking spec. At most a paladin will maybe have ~9 points in ret for the parry talent, and those will be late level talents anyway, but in order to tank properly a paladin will primarily be some mixture of holy/prot.

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I just did LBRS with a druid tank and had no issues.

They have very good AOE threat generation.


Swipe is pretty bad for aoe threat (only hits 3 targets), they also fixed DR so it doesn’t gain threat and they have little to no DCDs.

“But I just did it with a druid tank”, congrats it still doesn’t mean they are viable compared to warriors. You can do LBRS with a shaman tank, still doesn’t mean they are good tanks.

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Its really wierd to see warriors who wont tank dungeons.

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You can Arms tank to 60 because dungeons aren’t that hard, then you go deep prot as you start the gearing process. Finish up at Fury/Prot when you have the gear to increase damage and threat generated.

So far my mileage has been that I only lose aggro if the DPS opens up fully on the first guy he sees, so I reserve 2hand tanking for mostly guild group use.

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Yes, Warriors are better tanks, everyone knows that. The point is Druids can tank dungeons just fine.


I know all about the problems healers would have. I healed through out several wow expansions and it honestly did not matter one bit if it was a LFD group or one where you are spamming chat for hours on end to put a group together, both had their terrible moments. Lets not forget, everything was the healers fault.

If the dps pulled to much, it was the healers fault.

If the dps did not avoid the mobs and purposely ran into them, it was the healers fault.

The tank was squishy, that was the healers fault.

At the end of wrath a tank could just run through the dungeon grabbing and tanking everything, even the bosses. But somehow the dps and tank forgot that at a new expansion everything changes. When they tried that same thing in cata it did not work out so well. Well the heals should be able to keep up with the under geared dps trying to pull the whole dungeon at once, right? (/ sarcasm)

If the dps took to long to dps a boss down and everyone died because the healer ran out of mana, it was the healers fault.

If the dps decided to go in different directions from the tank, then the healer was crap according to the dps.

The dps would purposely start a fight with the healer for the lulz.

Every time I did Gomer in vanilla the tank would afk in the middle ring where the slimes were after we killed them all and then would eventually log off.

The bear tank I had in SM back in vanilla that was hard to heal. The dps were complaining that I wasn’t healing them. I couldn’t because healing the tank took all of my mana. I did not have this problem with other tanks. He might have taking some armor off for the lulz.

A few times the tank would go through the purple or green stuff and take damage for no reason. The telling me what a crap healer I was.

I had a tank that was only using basic hits against a boss and again being difficult to heal. When we died he got mad at me saying he would have to heal himself. Ok then, I just let the tank heal himself. Long story short, he died to the boss and that is when I got kicked.

After that I stopped healing. I could not bring myself to have to deal with another pug group and sometimes guild runs were not all that wonderful either. There was one guild I was in where the guild leader kicked everyone out of the raid and looted the boss for himself. Pretty classy right? (/sarcasm)

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I don’t see this at all. I often see groups that have 2 or 3 warriors in them.

Way back when Vanilla was new? Druids early on had major issues that were fixed in the patch that Classic is derived from.

I get tired of being the one who is expected to be the dungeon instructor, who is supposed to teach the basics of running dungeons as well as the specific mechanics of the trash and the bosses.

If I try to type, people get impatient and run off, probably in the wrong direction, and pull stuff. But they have no idea that they’re doing anything wrong, because nowhere in the game does it give them even a hint of how to play.

And don’t say “the dungeon journal”, that’s crib notes for people who already know how to play dungeons. It lists abilities without even a suggestion of how they should be prioritized, which spells to interrupt, and which to eat.

Go back to earlier dungeons where they’ve been adding mechanics that were never part of leveling dungeons before and the dungeon journal is laughably wrong.

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Tanking sucks. It isn’t fun. I will only tank for my guild.


The problem is that tanks are only in high demand for dungeons. For raids they are the least demanded role. You only need 2 for a 40 man raid. This alone is the reason that there has always been a shortage of tanks for for dungeons for the entire duration of the game. Why invest all that time into playing a certain role only to be told you can’t do it in raids anyway?


This was during vanilla wow when I first made a priest healer and I had a hard time healing a druid tank. I did not know if this was a major issue at the time or not but I kept the druid alive through the whole thing but could not heal anyone else. This druid tank did not instruct anyone on anything. The druid did not say one word in chat. He just tanked and one person left and someone else came who was higher level. Nothing was said in chat so I am assuming they were talking in discord or some other type of voip. The only talk came from the dps who were complaining that I wasn’t healing them. That was because I was trying to keep the tank alive. Either the tank and the rest of the party (including myself) was not aware of the problem or they knew and did not care. In vanilla there wasn’t a dungeon journal to use. Everything was on websites, videos or other forums.

Ive run about a dozen dungeons so far and always found a tank or warrior willing to tank in about 5min or less. Only 1 of them was really bad, really really bad. All the rest were just fine doing their jobs, most not great but not bad, only 1-2 were excellent.

Anyway for pug only dungeon running ive never really had trouble except once.

However 1 or 2 of the people in the group always comment something like great run - havent had one in awhile. So idk whats that about.

Tanks would ruin my immersion. Why use swords when you could fire a tank

I tank just fine on Mankrik.

I dont tank for anyone who talks smack about paladin tanks because most likely they didnt actually play vanilla or have no idea how TPS works in it…

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I would rather kick myself in the nuts all day then tank a pug in Classic.

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