There are no tanks!

I play a druid tank/healer and oh my god instant ques for days. Easy exp when your in demand. My druid is level 50 now.


:slight_smile: Feeling better and better about having rolled a warrior with every day passed.

I’m on OB, and would love to start tanking RFC and beyond, but I have zero tanking experience in WoW, and most people seem to expect everyone to secretly be a member of Method, and know every minute detail about everything in the game. If people would chill the F out the game would be a joy to play, unfortunately people are people.


you do not understand the difference between threat and rage.

educate yourself.



If you’re not tanking in berserker you’re missing out on the fun of cleaving through groups. Dance ovee into D stance for taunts, shouts, and battle stance to start it all off with blood rage, sweeping strikes into a B stance whirlwind and zerker rage so I’m generating as much rage as I can.


Not to mention they give tanks a big repair bill if they are just screwing around. Either let the tank lead and do their job or we won’t stay very long. Nothing is worse than a dps that won’t wait for tank to gain threat and then tank has to go around picking up all the adds off everyone. And at lower levels we don’t generate much threat. So please, let us gain threat before you use your big opener?


that isn’t tanking though. that is simply dpsing at racing for top dps.

threat is not the same thing as dps aggro. literally two different things in the game.

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You can, and will, gain more threat through higher damage and knowing how to stance dance to maximize threat and dps so you can zoom through mobs.

A lot of players dont realize that, at least for lower level dungeons, if your group isnt low level for the dungeon you dont really need a tank.

Unless every pull is orange/red mobs dps can take a few hits.

More stressful on a healer maybe, but beats waiting for 30 min on a tank.


“looking for tanks” ha, I’ve been railed by some dps scrubs in the past so now I always form my own group so if someone doesn’t follow group strategy after attempting to coach them then I get to just kick the 1 person as opposed to leaving group and forming my own party anyways

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again, that is not tanking.

tanking is mitigating and soaking damage, and raising the ENTIRE THREAT CEILING for the WHOLE GROUP … not just out dpsing to hold aggro.

Learn teh difference btween threat and aggro. Literally two different things. Hint: Threat is an actual in game statistical value that can be calculated, and DPS isn’t the only thing that generates it.

No one is saying stay in Def stance. Warriors stance dance, that is a presumed basica fact. But you still need to be a prot specced warrior to tank, otherwise you are just holding dps aggro.


You’re just posting a link to a guide that doesn’t even do a very good job of explaining how they come up with their numbers.

Have a look at magey’s WIKI, and contribute, also have a look at how to generate your own stats, and understand how these things work; if nothing else, it’s interesting, but also it’s much better than just reading some rando’s guide and thinking it’s accurate information.

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Also an Old Blanchy tank. I tend to run dungeons the minimum number of times I have to. I do pug almost every time and I don’t mind it. I’ve not yet run into an absolutely terrible group but I get hesitant when I’m only a level or two from my next rank of Sunder because I know that I’ll be competing against DPS using an aging rank of Sunder that is getting less and less effective.

But along with healers out there, if a DPS can’t stop opening with Multishot or nuking right out of the gate then they can tank whatever they pull off of me. After a few pulls of that, without saying a word, they usually slow themselves down.


For the average player, they don’t need to see teh entire spreadsheet. They just need to know the calculation and the values to understand.

The link I posted is for general information, not theory crafting.

The information is also 100% accurate and correct in the link I posted, so “not doing a good job explaining where the numbers come from” does NOT invalidate its usefulness.

I don’t need to contribute to the wiki, I have over 700 days on a prot warrior in retail from beta through wrath when i quit. I know what I am talking about ,and how to test my own data.

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Obviously you’re locked into the retail mindset and don’t understand that being full prot isn’t required to tank. You raise the threat ceiling and allow DPS to do more dps through raising your dps, which is why you can fury tank certain bosses without a shield.

Full prot is required to tank past 50, which is the content that matters.


For low level dungeons you can get away with paladin or Druid tanks as long as they’re willing to play the role, but in general I agree that tanks are more often than not the limiting factor of putting a group together.

Might have something to do with how unpleasant protection spec is while leveling.

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That’s quite the claim.

Would you mind elaborating on how they gathered their data, and how you determine its accuracy to be 100%?

roll a tank then

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You obviously didn’t even read it because it goes into detail of who wrote the guide, where the info came from, it’s original 2005 source data, and the original authors.

Try reading past the first paragrah, maybe?

Threat values in classic are fixed values based on the skill, they do not vary.

every single level 60 tank with rank 6 sunder does 260 threat modified by stance.

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