There Are No ‘Beta Keys’ for WoW Classic

I’m hoping for everyone cause, the more people the more feedback, so here’s hoping for ya as well!

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I have to disagree with this comment.

The more people ( that didn’t play Vanilla ) the more bad information Devs get.

This is why it is a closed small beta with prerequisites involving time played.

If that is the case then I should be getting one…but I won’t.

Yeah, so have 5 million other people

To each their own, but I completely disagree with your sentiment here. You can’t really give bad information when you’re reporting that something isn’t working.

going to suck for streamers they wont have a way to click bait people to watch them play the beta that they ALWAYS get into.


Im assuming the first week or month is going to be “Press/media” so streamers and such so they can continue to hype it.

Then maybe in june/july regular folks can get in. They said small beta.

to participate, they are not clear if one is needed for invite.


Thanks for the info, I’m sure a lot of people would’ve been fooled by scammers. Let’s all hope the people who will report the worst bugs and issues will be on the first wave.

If you get invited, please! Do your best everyone to provide the best feedback you can. Not just my class sucks etc etc but more like this ability doesn’t work when this happens, or i charged or blinked and fell through the world like back then :stuck_out_tongue:

I assure you. They won’t be sending Beta invites to inactive accounts hoping that these people who haven’t been playing “there wow” will come and participate.


i bet we will still see some idiots fall for a beta key though

why not? at least one person has stated as such, the system is likely set up to stop sending invites once enough people ‘sub’ to participate.

They want to get a batch of people interested who have been actively playing. I expect streamers, friends of steamers, people from top raiding guilds, pvp streamers. Maybe a small pool of people who where actively reporting bugs in prior betas.

They won’t send beta invites to people who might just be completely MIA.

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I dunno, they want a good mix too, and when they do the stress test portions, more will get in. Hard to say these days what they will do.

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You are not wrong about that.

14 years of playing and not a single beta, GL to anyone who thinks they are getting one.


is anyone in here in ???

Are invites even out yet?

Is there/will there be a forum for focused beta feedback?

They don’t want that many people in it.