There are a absurd amount of Ogres on Azeroth

Void Elves are hilarious. They are a fragment of a fraction of a fraction.


Ogres are long overdue, and would pair nicely with arakkoa.


Ogres vary a lot in size with the average ogre being the same height as a tauren in the lore.


What’s more funny is that Mok’nathal are half orc – half ogre.
So they’re more of a fat orc than ogres are :joy:

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Not only an absurd amount they have even made Empires as grand as Highmaul on Deserted Islands!

None of the Orc Cities managed to reach Highmaul’s grandeur despite the existence of Warsong Hold…

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I’m not too bothered by this if we see some Niffen towns in The Last Titan provided we get Azjol’Nerub as a full on zone, which was something they wanted to do back in Wrath. The Dragon Isles are close enough to Northrend and we know there was a tunnel that connected Azjol’Nerub and Azj’Kahet together but that has since been caved in on Neferrus’ orders. As she feared the scourge might find it and attack her Kingdom. Therefore you could make it that the Niffen we see in Azj’Kahet used that tunnel in ages past. Also Mr Sunflower was seen in Dragonflight during one of the digs that took place throughout the Zaralek Caverns. Therefore there might be a hidden passage to Zaralek Caverns and Azj’Kahet.

Actually now that I think about it, I think it would be nice if we had a central hub that connected most or all of the underground zones with each other. At least one for each ‘continent’ that has one. Therefore we have one that connects Zaralek Caverns (Dragon Isles), Azj’Kahet (Khaz Algar), Undermine and any future ones.

Azeroth is filled with tunnels, the twilight hammer ventured from the eastern kingdoms to kalimdor through tunnels back in cata for example.

Reproduction, friend. :point_up::pensive: :smoking:

No, they don’t, however from what we can generally infer, which is that they’re present in a LOT of zones, more than you would suspect, we can say they probably do have a sizeable population on Azeroth.

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