There are a absurd amount of Ogres on Azeroth

there was a funny old post about bears
he read a line in a quest about helping bears or something. and the player went and counted how many bears there actually were across all the game and made a long argument that bears werent in need of help

Why do people say this? I see zero relation between the two.

KT are more like Garithos than they are Vrykrul.

Main problem with Vrykul is they are super tied to Odyn who is… awful and likely a future antagonist when the Titans come back.

When you yank Vrykul from their quasi-norse faith they kind of just become really big grumpy humans.

Keep in mind, that Cho’Gall was one of the prime members of the Shadow Council which had ruled over the Horde.

After Cho’Gall ransacked Highmaul with their formed Horde — Many of the ogres in various locations & survivors of Highmaul would’ve fallen in line or under their wing (perhaps even pledging loyalty to stay alive, or sided with the Horde / the downfall of Highmaul prior to its attack after having viewed the Horde’s power and assessing what the outcome would most likely result towards).

So ultimately, it’s not all too far fetched to say there’s many Ogres in Azeroth … However, after Cho’Gall turned coat to the Shadow Council and flipped the bird to the Legion – Many Ogres probably saw it as their opportunity & chance to ditch the Horde also, fleeing in all manner of directions - whether that be Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms or travelling overseas elsewhere to seek new horizons. :slight_smile:

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Ogres very in size and we do have Ogres that are more player size.

I would not.


i find ogres kinda ehh they are like orcs but fatter. draenor had some cooler ones but moknathal look better

moknathal (kultiran skeleton probably) or broken draenei (tauren skelly on alliance) kthx

That’s… completely incoherent. You can’t say Ogres are “Orcs but fatter” and then say you’d prefer Mok’nathal. Mok’nathal are literally just upscaled Orcs. Ogres are a distinct model.


Broken were migrated to the draenei male skeleton in Legion with the argus patch update. Legion Krokul model is draenei male with head/hand/hoof swap and optional back tendrils. Seems pretty ready to go if not for the lack of a female model.

I’d kill for playable broken. I’d really like ogres too.


I want playable Azerothian Ogres with Draenor culture. Gimme my silly dumb romans.


Dude moknathal are lame asl lol, just yellow orcs that are very marginally taller. Ogres are at least a new race rather than more of this “subrace” nonsense.

I have wondered about that. They seem particularly abundant in a variety of locales. I have been like:

“Didn’t they come from Outland through a portal? They are as abundant as the natural wild life and sapient races, and almost everywhere on Azeroth.”

I suppose one has to keep in mind that numbers don’t matter unless they are specified - and even then, that can be retconned.

The Moknathal have a slightly interesting story. Blade’s Edge Mountain is a bit of a blur, among the other events of BC. But a group of mixed heritage survivors who were exiled from both cultures and made their own is kind of neat.

I don’t think there is enough there to be a playable race in and of itself. Maybe they would add customizations to the existing Orc Race - maybe a body size option, like Dracthyr have.

If Ogres became playable, I think Kul Tiran sized Ogres would make sense. Personally, I am quietly against Playable Ogres, because seeing 2 headed people all around me would be off putting. It’s one thing in dungeons or raids, while I kill them… but in town? Dancing on mailboxes? Heaven forfend!

I don’t advocate against it or anything, with lore or what have you. I also definitely don’t join the choir of support like I might the inclusion of other playable races.

I wouldn’t have an issue with this.

If we got playable ogres, they’d be the Dracthyr of Ogres, so I’m opposed.

My biggest disappointment is that there’s not continuity across some of the newer “discovered” portions of Azeroth. And sometimes the creatures/races that do come with expansions don’t make sense, like rando Sniffen parts of Ajh Kahet (sp.)

You can really tell NuBlizz content from Old, and it’s really jarring for me (and I don’t mean just antiquated art.)

Correct, and the penitent were a mistake.

Blizzard makes a lot of mistakes.

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After the portal was created between Azeroth and Draenor, many of the Ogre clans made their through as apart of the Horde. After the Horde’s defeat in the Second War, some stayed in the Eastern Kingdoms, while others made their way to Kalimdor.

Population numbers don’t matter in this setting lmao the most they’ll give is rough percentages that they wont actually consider when writing the story


Population numbers don’t matter in the majority of settings. There will always be enough of X for a story to progress


Especially the franchises that inspired Warcraft tbh. WoW races had a very random population spike to be as big as they are for WoW

They’re an apex predator from another environment. It’s only logical they’d spread like wildfire.


Have you seen the Allied Races to date?