Theramore's Bombing

The equivalent of a nuclear bombing is never justified.

At this point though it doesn’t feel that outrageous with all the blighting going on, but it’s interesting to see people adopt the “burn them all” Forsaken mentality.

I believe it can be argued and justified with logic in some very specific AND extreme scenarios but i agree that normally its universally seen that the use of those WMD is morally wrong or cruel because of all the collateral damage, lose of civilian life etc…

Well, i already knew people were garbage so its not surprising or interesting to me.

Only if one doesn’t know the particulars of the strike. Thw Japanese went out of their way to avoid anything that wasn’t military equipment. Military housing, civilian housing, general industry were all left up. There were huge fuel tanks in various places they could have hit, and we know the Japanese saw them and knew what they were. They left them standing.

The strike was brutal, quick, and crippling, but also tightly focused military strike carried out with as much honor as such an attack could have, through strict targeting restrictions.

Theramore has no comparison here. Neither does teldrassil.

The Alliance sent a delegation to Hamuul precisely to start trade again!

Again, try stealing food from the rich right now to give to the poor. I promise you the courts will put you in jail/punish you. Hell, if your an america, you even have stand your ground laws.

And putting Garrosh in charge ultimately bite the Horde back.

Thrall is an influential figure in the Horde. Capturing him would at the very least cause chaos in their ranks and at best maybe even force the rest of the Horde leaders capitulate to have him released.


And it was worth it to kill so many orcs during Siege of Ogrimmar. Also fun to see Garrosh be killed off. Pretty sure Sylvanas isnt getting scott free either.

Oh please, your precious Garrosh went out of his way to kill a bunch of sailor who ACCIDENTALLY went into Horde waters! I’d say the Alliance was just returning the favor to the Horde.

That explains the reasoning, but not the methodology.

I never had any problem with the bombing of Theramore. It was a military target that had been used to launch many large-scale attacks on the Horde.

But then I think Taurajo was justified, too.

You can’t really compare Theramore to Teldrassil. Teldrassil was, by that point, a defenceless civilian target.


This is true. She also was against it because she knew (rightly so) the Alliance would probably respond by sacking Undercity as a response. At the time, she was just a faction leader and Garrosh had previously demonstrated he could care less about her and her forsaken.

This most likely meant he would be focused on Kalimdor and could care less about sending her aid, she’d be on her own against the might of the EK Alliance.

As opposed to Teldrassil, where she’s now the Warchief and absolute authority. Losing Undercity became an acceptable tradeoff for her if her trap’s initial plan A and B failed (they did).

Again, no, it was peace summit to low the tensions, nothing said a thing about the trade.

Good thing they are not in america but azeroth, regardless, the punishment its not the same for this crime to others.

Not rly, without Garrosh the horde would probably die, even if his end was terrible, it was worth it.

thts just what we do when we want peace with the other faction, capture their leader and display him s an animal in your own city to demonstrate how you won the war.

Just stop, your mental gymnastic is nonsensical.

you hink iw ant her getting away? lmao

besides, they will prob kerrigan her, so?

appoint something will not just erase the other, this seems to be a mistake that most alliance players do

The alliance wasn’t “returning the favor” when they start

There is no court with the power to try the Horde… or the Alliance for that matter. The Horde in Kalimdor needed resources. The Night Elves refused to trade for them, so the fall back position is to take them. And such acquisition is justified by the failure of the Night Elves to keep their hold on them.

But they had the object to trade in good faith. They chose to ignore it. The Horde however will not cede its needs to a pack of barely civilized savages.

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It wasn’t about fulfilling the Horde’s needs; it was about fulfilling the orcs’ needs, even to the detriment of the rest of the Horde.

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Hamuul suggested the peace conference precisely so tension would lower and trade could be restarted. He even did it after Thrall’s little speak about night elves stopping trade.

The punishment may be less, but it still a crime. And considering in Azeroth it lead to a world war which the Horde LOSES it doesnt seem like a better deal.

Because the Horde being kicked out of Ashenvale(see A good War for confirmation and end of SoO) having multitude of dead people and losing half the barrens somehow benefit the Horde.

Because the Horde didnt exactly give the Alliance much of a choice. It was either that, or continue a world war while a dragon was burning the entire world.

We dont know what will happen to her. She just as much chance of being killed to finally give everyone involved in this war some closure/justice.

Again, I thought we already established the Alliance didnt start anything at Wrathgate? If you want to trade all the wars/problems to the person who first attack it would still be the Horde.

Laughable to call the Night elves savages while the Horde lives in mud huts. And your right there was no court to try the Horde, hence why war raged. A war I might add that failed to give the Horde what they wanted and cost them in terms of manpower and people.

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gain, the trade was not the focus of the meeting

this again proof the trade was cut off after the wrathgate, and was not established before the twilight hammer attack, then stop gain, like you said before.

blablabla still a crime, yeah keep missing the point.

it was a better deal than starve to death and be attacked by the alliance anyway.

yeah, just point the bad things and not good ones, rly a honest tactic.

so this just proof you were lying saying the alliance wanted peace, they didn’t, they want war

i don’t, but you seems pretty hurt every time we put in the table something the alliance did bad and desperate try to put what the horde did to make look less bad when there is no reason for.

the night elves live in tree huts and the horde now live in houses of iron.

Point of order: There were no innocent civilians in Theramore when it was bombed; Jaina evacuated them all beforehand.

The Orcs are who they are. They’re still progressing in their own path. Your ancestors though walked away from civilisation and the gifts of their arcane heritage for no other reason than to follow the primitive superstitions of Malfurion, so savages I rightly name you.

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There were no innocent civilians period. Theramore was a city at war with the Horde. If you lived under her banner, you were the enemy, period.

Horde lay waste to an entire city/capital/monument of a race
= Lol it’s war get over it.

Alliance do anything, literally anything against the Horde


They Walked away with good reason. That “Gift” nearly destroyed them.

I don’t think anyone is arguing that Theramore wasn’t a Legitimate Millitary target. It’s the weapon used and the reasoning behind it’s use is the only point of contention.

I always found the logic behind Dalaran’s involvement incredibly silly. That the only way to remain neutral and not pick sides in this war was to break neutrality and pick a side in the war.
It always seemed very forced. Almost as if all they cared about was killing Rhonin off and promoting Jaina to Mage Empress of Dalaran. And this backwards logic was their haphazard reasoning behind it.


I would point out that even Sylvanas gave the elves some time to retreat. Garrosh’s actions lead to the immediate extinguishing of lives

Garrosh gave them time to retreat as well. In fact, that was an integral part of his strategy.

He gave Theramore plenty of time to evacuate and shore up its defenses so that he could maximize Alliance military casualties. So sure, he didn’t do it out of kindness or honor, but he did give them time to retreat.

If anything good can be said about the Bombing, its that all civilians had been evacuated by the time the bomb dropped.