The reason I support Garrosh did nothing wrong is due to horrible writing, and the fact being lied to. We were promised Garrosh would be an awesome Warchief. Evidence of this would be Stonetalon. It was reported as a mistake but I honestly don’t believe that especially when the promise of Garrosh being awesome came before that. Which is tragic because Stonetalon was probably the best characterization of any character in WoW.
Having said that it is moments when both Alliance NPCs and players believe “Daelin did nothing wrong, he was proven right” only add oil to the fire. Daelin who deforested Durotar screwing over the Horde. Daelin who took over Theramore and ignored his daughter. Daelin who wanted to genocide the Orcs. “The Orcs are monsters! See the Orc attacked me when it was trying to find peace, and after I attacked it!” Yeah any sane being would defend itself with either fight or flight. The Orcs tried flight and being peaceful, looked how that turned out. So the only option was to fight.
The Horde left Eastern Kingdoms, went to Kalimdor, and aided in the fight to stop the Burning Legion. Then settled on the harshest land to atone for their past atrocities, orcs can live in harsh environments, and stay away from others to find peace.
Then Daelin comes and burns that to the ground. His daughter even tried convincing him to stand down, and explain the Orcs are attempting to find peace. Not only does he ignore her, he takes over Theramore. He has no excuse and justice was ironically served.
Also ironically whenever the Alliance goes “Daelin was right!”, “All Orcs are monsters and bad!”, “Genocide the Forsaken!” Only further gives people like Garrosh and Sylvanas far more power than they should have. H&ll Sylvanas even convinced Saurfang to go to war using this logic of reasoning. Henceforth more and more Horde players will support Garrosh, and Sylvanas. Other wise the Horde being removed may be a possibility.
It also doesn’t help that Activision Blizzard writes the Horde as stupidly evil, and the Alliance as Holier than Thou. Both being opposite of their original WoW classic design. Yes the Alliance were actually not the super duper nice faction in classic to WotLK. They were actually aggressive, pious, and prideful, thinking the Horde as nothing but a band of lesser beasts.
It also doesn’t help that Legion was heavily HEAVILY Alliance focused. That makes a lot of Horde players nervous that the Horde may get removed as a faction and be swallowed up by the boring Lawful Good Alliance blob. Just like what happened to the Night Elves. and no! Highmountain and Suramar in Legion are not Horde content! I know Alliance players will state other wise but that is factually not true! I even wish Highmointain had that Baine scene in it to even up Val’sarah and give us some content, but it was removed, so it is not Horde content! Both areas were not Horde content at the time therefore it is factually not Horde content!