Theorycrafting solutions for XPOFF / XPON

You’ve removed gear from twinks and reward for playing, while creating a new loot stream for non-twinks.

Would you keep playing after they stripped your gear and created rewards you had no use for or access to?

Premades is an entirely separate issue that will continue thru no matter what gearing processes there is or how close the average player is to the twink. I agree, pre-mades are much more likely than twinking to skew the outcome of a BG. I’d be fine to see it limited to queuing in groups of 2 or 3 instead of 5, or removing group queues altogether. I don’t care much about that.

I still don’t understand what exactly is being stripped away from twinks. What I’m suggesting simply lowers the gap between them, but any twinked player would still clearly be at an advantage. What I’m saying is the basic itemization sucks for questers. Bringing them closer would not chase twinks out whatsoever.

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You’ve removed any reward for xp off. I don’t understand why you would play if they removed all your rewards and created a loot system designed to funnel gear to other players.

You quoted my post that explained a handful of different ways they could lower or mitigate the power of enchants in low level battlegrounds, and keep saying that I removed rewards for xp off players.

I’m trying to understand but I have absolutely no clue what you’re saying.

What reward is being removed? What reward is there currently for xp off players? What on earth are you talking about with funneling gear to other players?

You have removed honor for winning battlegrounds and substituted a system for funneling loot to your alts. Explain to me what incentives you think you have built into that system for twinks to play, if you think it is supposed to be as much as an advantage to them as to your alts.

My post and my suggestions make no reference to removing honor, or anything that would result in funneling gear to alts. I can only assume you accidentally quoted me and mean to reply to someone else.

You described the system in detail. Perhaps you should be aware of what the current system is. I’m not a mind-reader like you think I ought to be.

I only play for honor, and you weren’t even aware that twinks get honor.

This is the most confusing forum posting strategy I have ever witnessed. Kudos to you sir. :joy::joy:

I’m sorry. I wasn’t aware that you didn’t know why twinks play and had gotten all your information from forum posters who were trying to convince people like you that the only reason twinks play is to ruin other people’s wowlife.

Still going, I have no clue what you’re talking about or who you’re talking to.

I was talking to you, or so I thought. I was under the impression you knew why twinks play bgs. Clearly you don’t. I don’t have any more time to waste trying to educate you on this topic.

I think you missed the mark completely, most players who take xpoff seriously really wouldn’t be concerned with rewards. Quality PvP matches with faster que times would be reward enough, stuff like titles and mounts and maybe a rating system would just be icing on the cake.

Also I don’t think anyone mentioned removing honor from bg’s, on a side note Honor points should be a thing again. Looking for a low lvl currency well there it is!


You’ve failed to address any of my questions or clearly communicate in any way why you think that reducing the power of enchants would somehow remove twinks’ ability to gain honor, funnel gear to alts, or in some abstract way “ruin other people’s wowlife.” I think the onus is on you to articulate what in God’s name you’re even referring to, because its clearly not in reference to my suggestions.

I don’t think I’ve missed the mark at all. The idea that people who do pvp shouldn’t expect or get rewards, while people who do pve deserve rewards to keep them playing is one Blizzard really likes right now. They’ve designed their entire pvp program around it.

Levelers get xp. Both levelers and twinks get hk’s and honor. Are you seriously telling me you don’t like making progress on those things?

Blockquote The entire problem, which has not been addressed in any meaningful way, is premades of twinks. If twinks had to queue solo this problem would not exist. That would take away any unfair advantage they had if solo-queuing twinks were randomly on both teams.

Not letting people play together in an MMO kills the MMO.
People could only enter battlegrounds in groups of 5 tops in the first place. That is not a premade that’s a group of 5.

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The power of currently available enchants has already been greatly nerfed.

You had no idea that low level pvp even gave honor, and now you’re acting like it was always part of your premise.

The idea that twinks can funnel gear to their alts is absolutely ridiculous. You sound like you’re working from a script you don’t understand.

Jairnnali, WoW forum filibuster champion

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Again no one is talking about doing away with hk’s. Last I checked an HK is an HK regardless of your xp status…

At what point did I even imply that I didn’t know that low level PVP gave honor? What a confusing post. Of course it does. You brought up gear funneling, not me. This is great. I feel like I’m talking to a broken AI bot

Yeah, but that would impede peoples ability to sit half AFK and leech a level every BG.

Why would you want that?!

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