Yo, My buddy (Fury Warrior) and i are looking for a guild to raid with and your times line up pretty well for us. Both him and I mythic raided in legion for a bit and would love to get back into it with some chill people. Added you on bnet to have a chat.
Need more people to boost our numbers
Currently recruiting:
*** DPS: High priority for: Arms/Fury Warrior , Balance Druid , Sub Rogue , Unholy Dk Fire/Frost Mage x2 , Marksman Hunter
*** Heals High priority for: Resto Shaman , Disc priest , Holy Paladin
*** All DPS/Healers considered ***
add our recruitment officer EVA#2601, recruitment officer EVA#2601, Our Guild Assists Drapyon#1927 - VKLEET#1287 - Trimshadow#1423 - or our Guild leader Cougs#1764 for a chat
Still looking for more Fam members - ranged, melee, healers - lets chat add EVA#2601, Drapyon#1927 - VKLEET#1287 - Trimshadow#1423 - or Cougs#1764
Looking for more M+ / Raiders to progress with, add Drapyon#1927 - Trimshadow#1423 - EVA#2601 or Cougs#1764 for a chat
Currently recruiting:
- DPS: High priority for: Destruction/Destro Warlock , Fire/Frost Mage , Havoc Demon Hunter and possibly Assination Rogue.
- Heals High priority for: Resto Shaman
Currently recruiting:
- DPS: High priority for: Warlock , Mage | Balance Druid , Monk (with os a bonus)
- Heals High priority for: Holy Paladin , Holy Priest or Resto Druid (OS required)
Still looking for some decent heals and a few dps - currently 4/11H
Add EVA#2601 or Trimshadow#1423 for a chat
plenty of keys and cheeky banter each week!
5/11H - looking for more Heals and ranged dps - Add EVA#2601 or Trimshadow#1423 for more info - or even just to say hi!
Currently recruiting:
Tanks: ( Closed )
Healers: Looking for Resto Sham / Resto Druid / Holy Paladin / Holy Priest.
DPS: Looking for Mage / Monk / Shadow Priest / Warlock / Balance Druid / Death Knight.
*** All DPS/Healers will be considered ***
wtb healing friends xoxo
Still looking for a healer or two for S4 and DF
Do Holy Paladins exist? This is the real question
Currently recruiting:
Tanks: ( Closed )
Healers: Looking for Resto Sham / Resto Druid
DPS: Looking for Mage / Monk / Shadow Priest / Balance Druid.
*** All DPS/Healers will be considered ***
Still Looking for friends!
We have a comprehensive team of WORDLE players, please come join in the fun
Good Morning Sunshine.
Still Looking for more, 8/10H Fated CN - come join the banter, we wonât / donât bite unless you ask nicely!
Im asking nicely
10/10H Fated - will clear the other Fated raids - plenty of high keys being run each week - come and join us for now and DragonFlight
Fated SOD, No problem. We could use a mage friend, for our intellect pals. A healer who would like to pocket heal me, I wouldnt say no?