<theMinistry> Frostmourne | Recruiting DPS/ HEALS

LFM dps friends

we are dragging on for the expac!

LFM - come join our weekly banter groups heal / dps welcome!! :slight_smile:

ignore the bad dad joke
 we have funnier people in guild - come say hi!

Avoid hunters with swapblasters.

Currently recruiting:

Healers: Looking for Resto Druid / MW Monk (OS)
DPS: Looking for Mage / Monk / Shadow Priest / Balance Druid

Still looking for more Heals / DPS to fill out raid roster

still looking for heals - add Trimshadow#1423 - EVA#2601 or Cougs#1764 for a chat

Looking for more raiders - hit us up! Trimshadow#1423 - EVA#2601 or Cougs#1764

Pre-Patch not far away - still looking for more raiders going into DF - hit us up - Trimshadow#1423 - EVA#2601 or Cougs#1764

Pre-Patch not far away - still looking for more DPS raiders going into DF - Monks , SPriests ,
mages, locks, rets, warriors and rogues - hit us up - Trimshadow#1423 - EVA#2601 or Cougs#1764

Currently recruiting:

Healers: Looking for Resto Druid , MW Monk (OS) or Holy Paladin
DPS: Looking for WW Monk / Shadow Priest / Ret Paladin / Warlock / Rogue

Currently recruiting:

Healers: Looking for Resto Druid , MW Monk (OS) or Holy Paladin
DPS: Looking for WW Monk / Balance Druid / Ret Paladin / Warlock / Mage / Death Knight and Evokers

still looking for more raiders going into DF Healers as well as - Monks , SPriests ,
mages, locks, rets, DK’s & Evokers - hit us up - Trimshadow#1423 - EVA#2601

Hi there, I added you guys on bnet - my id is Awo#11964. Let’s have a chat when convenient for you.

Currently Recruiting:
Shadow Priest , Arcane Mage , Outlaw/Sub Rogue , Balance Druid

looking for more raiders to push further into DF 2/8M - Resto Druid, SPriest &
mages - hit us up - Trimshadow#1423 - EVA#2601

Still looking for heals and a couple more dps - add Trimshadow#1423 - EVA#2601 for a chat

Currently recruiting:
Tanks: ( Closed )
Healers: Resto Druid
DPS: Shadow Priest , Arcane Mage , Outlaw/Sub Rogue , Balance Druid , Unholy Death Knight
*** All DPS/Healers will be considered ***

still looking for more mythic ready raiders - add Trimshadow#1423 - EVA#2601 for a chat