[The Year of the Scourge] Archive

Next event update!

Undead scourge unaccounted for in the cities, citizens barricaded in emergency shelter areas, a new strand of plague making people violently ill… the situation seems dire indeed. Local governments are putting together a plan of action.

Our story continues this weekend:

  • Thunder Bluff (Horde) on Friday, January 29th
    at 5pm WrA/7pm MG time*
    (Look for custom pre-made group: Year of the Scourge: Thunder Bluff)

  • Ironforge (Alliance) on Saturday, January 30th
    at 5pm WrA/7pm MG time*
    (Look for custom pre-made group: Year of the Scourge: Ironforge)


Here’s this week’s promotional material!


Morning all!

Poster above has a mistake in the dates, and will be corrected today. Reminder that these events are in a few days: Thunder Bluff on Friday, and Ironforge on Saturday!

The post above has been corrected!

Thunderbluff will be on Friday January 29th.
Ironforge will be on Saturday January 30th.

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Hey guys!

Tonight, January 29th at 5PM WrA Server Time, the Scourge take to Thunderbluff!

I’ll be your DM! So find me on Fennecfremen-WyrmrestAccord or by searching for Year of the Scourge: Thunderbluff in the group finder!

Excited to see you there!


Thunder Bluff event happening in a little under 3 hours!

Invites are going out now! As a small update, due to character limitations, the title of the group is
YotS: Thunderbluff.

Thunder Bluff was a lot of fun! Thanks to both DMs!


Had a blast tonight! Truly a great time! Thank you to the hosts, organizers, and DMs!


Tonight at 5 PM WrA, 7 PM MG, join us in Ironforge for Year of the Scourge: Ironforge! Ironforge is on lock-down to try and keep the Scourge outside - but if the undead are anything, it’s persistent! Help the guards investigate suspicious individuals throughout the city, and help us keep the Scourge on the outside of the mountain!

Message Rufaic-WyrmrestAccord for an invite tonight! There will also be a group finder posting under YotS: Ironforge tonight!


Thanks to everyone who came to Thunder Bluff (turns out, it’s two words - just goes to show, don’t put an Alliance main on a Horde event)! As stock as it sounds, I do sincerely appreciate your continued support as we tell stories and improve! I hope you all enjoy Ironforge tonight!


Reminder, the Ironforge event happens tonight for all you Alliance heroes!!

Starting up the group for tonight’s event! Whisper Rufaic-WyrmrestAccord in-game, or look in the group finder for YotS: Ironforge under custom groups!


World Update, announced by town cryers and bulletins posted throughout the cities of Azeroth:


In major cities around Azeroth, citizens have been quarantined in emergency shelter areas. Scourge forces, having breached the city walls one week ago, have not yet been fully stopped. Local defense forces are spread thin: some guard the shelters, while remaining units patrol the city looking for hidden undead ghouls.

Over the last few days, more raids from undead harpies have occurred in many cities in both Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Most cities are reporting that the harpies are easily defeated, yet attacks continue with new waves every few hours, exhausting local defenders. In Thunder Bluff, a harpy matriarch was captured and interrogated. It was revealed that there is a “Mother” figure involved in the attacks. Whether the same “Mother” leads the raids all over Azeroth is unknown. Local leaders suspect the “Mother” might be a Witchqueen, a harpy versed in dark magic, who might be seeking to raise more flocks into her command.

Thunder Bluff also reporting their Pools of Vision were attacked and contaminated, with the purpose of re-enslaving the local Forsaken population to the scourge control. This is a major threat, and should be considered in all major populated areas.

Many cities are discovering how vulnerable they truly still are. Even after closing and sealing off main gates, smaller or more secretive entrances into cities are being discovered.

Ironforge informants report that parties dispatched to check on wards and seals of secondary city entrances have discovered and hunted down a single gnome necromancer. While this gnome lead them on a wild chase throughout the city, he they were eventually captured and will be interrogated. It is important to know that the Council of Three Hammers was not in danger: as in most cities, local leadership has been sealed off in a protected, secure location.

With local defense forces nearing the point of being overwhelmed and the death toll rising, citizens with experience in battle are asked to volunteer for guard duty or to join hunting parties. Other citizens must remain in emergency shelter areas!

- Local government


This week's promotional material brought to you by the wonderful AngstyKatt!
Thanks for the awesome piece!

See you guys in Dalaran on Friday!


Monday, February 1st

Scouting Report – Dalaran

A small Sunreaver scouting party (Sentinel Kaeryl, Commander Rothbart, and Guardian Dawnheart) was assembled to scour the underbelly of the city for possible signs of scourge infiltration and to double-check wards placed on minor entrances.

The scouting party found the sewers to be all clear until Sentinel Kaeryl pressed our group into a remote north western area of the underbelly. Here we discovered an anomalous portal of unknown origin, however, possibly necromantic in nature, based on the ghouls crawling out when we arrived.

Commander Rothbart and Sentinel Kaeryl fought back and slaughtered the ghouls, affording me time to attempt to dispel the portal by arcane means. Our efforts were in vain. The portal only seemed to intensify with wave after wave of undead scourge pouring from its opening. I managed to freeze the ones closest to us, effectively bottlenecking the tunnel leading up to the portal, allowing us time to retreat to the sewer exits to the city.

Despite the screams from below, we decided our only option was to seal the sewer exits. The commander employed some sort of runic based barrier, Sentinel Kaeryl a barrier of light, and I one of arcane. We do not know how long they will hold.

Guardian Surreal Dawnheart


VERY excited to be co-DMing this Friday’s event in Dalaran! We’ll be starting in Northrend Dalaran, then possibly moving to the Legion one for the very last part.


Update on the scourge present within Silvermoon City
(Report by Farstrider Ranger-Captain Ethan’tolas Everdawn)

Farstrider Rangers are holding position surrounding emergency shelter areas. Citizens being found in their homes or on the streets are being escorted to these shelters, yet some resist leaving their homes.

Emergency shelters areas are getting crowded. Silvermoon’s inns have requested additional beds or cots to meet the needs of the dozens crammed in each room. Auction Houses have been fortified and are requesting larger food and water supplies. The Farstriders have opened up the Hunter’s Lounge, following the Blood Knight’s opening of their Blood Hall, to citizens seeking shelter.

Scourge still roam the streets, but hunting them is proceeding extremely slowly due to the almost hourly harpie attacks from the air.

On a logistical note: time needs to be taken after each attack to recover arrows from the harpie corpses, lest we run out of ammunition.

Out here, in the streets with the scourge, we wonder: where are the magisters? We hope they are devising a plan to rid the cities of these ghouls efficiently and soon.

Ethan’tolas Everdawn


Guardian Zari Sunwraith spoke as if the word left a bad taste in her mouth, “Scourge.”

The Sunreaver Guardians had been charged with regular inspections of the arcane barriers conjured at the sewer entrances as a last-ditch attempt to protect the city of Dalaran.

Bent, twisted humanoid figures, flesh rotting away exposing bone, gnashed their teeth and flailed their claws relentlessly at the shimmering veil of the arcane barriers. Growling, phlegmy voices sounded from depths of the Underbelly. At first they were accompanied by the screams of citizens that had been trapped below, each long, loud, piercing cry sending a shiver down her spine. Until they stopped.

The silence was worse.


Just two hours until tonight’s event! Remember to bring your elixir of tongues, and meet in the purple parlor in old Dalaran.

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