World Update, announced by town cryers and bulletins posted throughout the cities of Azeroth:
In major cities around Azeroth, citizens have been quarantined in emergency shelter areas. Scourge forces, having breached the city walls one week ago, have not yet been fully stopped. Local defense forces are spread thin: some guard the shelters, while remaining units patrol the city looking for hidden undead ghouls.
Over the last few days, more raids from undead harpies have occurred in many cities in both Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Most cities are reporting that the harpies are easily defeated, yet attacks continue with new waves every few hours, exhausting local defenders. In Thunder Bluff, a harpy matriarch was captured and interrogated. It was revealed that there is a “Mother” figure involved in the attacks. Whether the same “Mother” leads the raids all over Azeroth is unknown. Local leaders suspect the “Mother” might be a Witchqueen, a harpy versed in dark magic, who might be seeking to raise more flocks into her command.
Thunder Bluff also reporting their Pools of Vision were attacked and contaminated, with the purpose of re-enslaving the local Forsaken population to the scourge control. This is a major threat, and should be considered in all major populated areas.
Many cities are discovering how vulnerable they truly still are. Even after closing and sealing off main gates, smaller or more secretive entrances into cities are being discovered.
Ironforge informants report that parties dispatched to check on wards and seals of secondary city entrances have discovered and hunted down a single gnome necromancer. While this gnome lead them on a wild chase throughout the city, he they were eventually captured and will be interrogated. It is important to know that the Council of Three Hammers was not in danger: as in most cities, local leadership has been sealed off in a protected, secure location.
With local defense forces nearing the point of being overwhelmed and the death toll rising, citizens with experience in battle are asked to volunteer for guard duty or to join hunting parties. Other citizens must remain in emergency shelter areas!
- Local government