Please enjoy our promotional material, and we’ll see you all in Hearthglen on the 15th!
the old hearthglen stomping grounds
Reminder post that this neutral event is happening this Friday at 5:30pm WrA time. The event is intended primarily for neutral/argent characters, or any characters that may live in or near Hearthglen. But, any character who can find an IC reason to travel to Heartglen for the event is welcome to, of course.
Another reminder that, a few minutes before event,
you can find the raid group(s) forming for the event in
Pre-made Groups: Custom: “Year of the Scourge: Hearthglen”.
This event happens tonight!
While it happens in Hearthglen ICly, the story developments here will mirror whats going on in all major cities. A world update will be provided over the weekend.
Just a few more hours, everyone! See you all in Hearthglen!!
I will have Elixers of Tongues to share for those who need it. I’ll be on Faerlthann (male Nightborne priest) for Hordeside, and can switch to Higginbothom (female Worgen hunter) for Alliance. Open a trade window with me on the same faction. Emote me if on the other faction, and I’ll switch.
Not able to make this one, hope you guys have a good time and kick (non-forsaken) zombie butt!
Had a lot of fun tonight! Thanks for a cool event and hope to see you guys at the next one!
World Update, announced by town cryers and bulletins posted throughout the cities of Azeroth:
*Citizens, *
Over the last few days, our cities have come under brazen attack by scourge agents, who managed to infiltrate by the means of several dark portals. Heroes and local defense forces responded with haste, and engaged these enemies in the streets. The battles were well fought, yet portal after portal would open, depositing more enemies within the cities.
Eventually, Away Teams of brave adventurers, soldiers and heroes left the battle and the city walls in pursuit of the location from which these attacks were being launched. Magi were able to build and use a device attuned to the dark magics and led the teams several miles outside the city, where warlocks/dark spellcasters were found manning portals, which seemingly connected to many other locations on Azeroth.
The Away team engaged the enemies and, with some difficulty and with several sustaining injuries, defeated the enemies: some were slain, while others vanished through portals. Some portals remained open long enough for Away Teams to return to their own cities, while others became unstable too quickly. Those teams are still marching home.
The battles, in the cities and away, have now subsided. But guards are actively searching every corner of the cities for any scourge or undead that may have escaped capture and may still be hiding.
Citizens are asked to stay at home if possible, and out of the open. The streets have not yet been fully secured. Lock your doors and your windows. And should you venture out of your house, carry weapons.
Next Year of the Scourge Event:
Friday January 22nd in Dazar’alor and Saturday January 23rd in Boralus!
The event last night happened in Heartghlen and had its own unique flavor, however the events that happened there echo what was happening in most major cities around Azeroth.
If your character, in or around any city, was part of the local version of this event, feel free to post a description or short story below!
Ranger-Captain Ethan’tolas Everdawn and his unit had begun the ride back to Silvermoon City. It was clear they were tired, as they sat atop their Hawkstriders. But they could not let their guards down: there were still scourge roaming around the Eversong Woods. They had killed five of them already, just on the ride back.
The Farstriders had been dispatched to track the source of these portals that had lead dozens of scourge, and even an Abomination, into the heart of Silvermoon City. The sudden apparition had caused much chaos. The city guardians were the first to arrive on scene and quickly called for backup. The Blood Knights came running next, along with a few Farstriders from the Square.
But the majority of the rangers had been tasked with finding the origin point of the portals. The Magisters agreed they could not be far, and so Everdawn and other Ranger-Captains set off with their units.
They had found them, near Duskwhither Spire: a group of warlocks and several undead, and at least seven open portals. Three of them could be seen leading to Silvermoon City: The Bazaar, The Royal Exchange and the Walk of the Elders. But other portals clearly lead to other locations.
The rangers had the element of surprise on their side, and as they let their first barrage of arrows fly, they quickly took down most of the undead. What remained were the warlocks, who put up quite a fight. But in the end, all of them were either killed, or vanished through the portals before the whole network seemed to collapse.
The fight was over now. The group had the corpses of the warlock in tow and were headed back to Silvermoon. Ethan’tolas hoped the battle there had been won easily, and that the city was safe and secured.
Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum.
(I couldn’t resist)
Seeya guys this weekend!
It would be SO great to see a big Troll population come out to the Dazar’alor event this Friday… and the Kul Tiras community come out in force for the event in Boralus on Saturday!!
But remember, any character that has a reason for being in these two areas are more than welcome at the events.
Next event happens tomorrow (Friday)!
This weekend!
The ravenous undead siege
Dazar'alor and Boralus!
And all their creatures...See you all this weekend for more zombie fun!
Tonight at 5:30 PM WrA Time!
Help defend Dazar’alor from a disease festering from within.
Message Maxixca in-game, or search for Year of the Scourge: Dazar’alor in Group Finder!
Good morning, Wyrmrest Accord!
The Horde got to experience the next chapter of this story last night in Dazar’alor… now it’s time for the Alliance to experience the scourge’s next attack in Boralus. This happens today!
Hey guys!
Tonight at 5:30 PM WrA Time!
Help defend Boralus from undead pirates!
Message Stráuss (á is Alt + 0225) in-game, or search for Year of the Scourge: Boralus in Group Finder!
30 minutes! Looking for group will be going up soon!
World Update, announced by town cryers and bulletins posted throughout the cities of Azeroth:
Your homes are no longer safe! All citizens are asked to relocate to emergency shelters, located throughout the cities.
Over the last two days, a major scourge force has attacked and breached city walls. They have come by ground, sea and air via beasts of flight, and are armed. Not only have they engaged local defense forces on the ground, beasts of flight, afflicted with undeath, have rained a new form of plague from the air.
The fighting continued into the night and spilled out over a second day, until Argent Crusaders, and in some cases, Sunreavers, arrived to join the conflict in many major cities, turning the tide of the battle and chasing off or defeating the scourge leaders. However, many undead are believed to be hiding in the city, and more attacks could be imminent.
Beware: a plague, caused by the red and white spores spread by the undead beasts, is now infecting our local population. This plague causes severe cough and reduced stamina. An elixirhas been developed in Dazar’alor and appears to counter the immediate effects of the plague, and will be distributed as soon as possible, city wide, though additional research is required.
Once again, all citizens should leave their homes and head for the safety of barricaded shelters, located throughout the cities.
-A message from you local government.
((Edited with a few tweaks to details.))
The Worgen and Night Elf refugees seeking a new home with the burning of Teldrassil was expected, he had heard whispers of those who were trying to rebuild their lives by coming to these cursed forests to find solitude among the Great Tree. What wasn’t expected were the other refugees that had begun to trickle in: humans, dwarves, gnomes and all sorts heading to the countryside in an effort to escape the cities. What could be so dire that even Duskwood looks desirable in comparison?