The Yaungol and the Horde

While ogres have been traditionally horde I could easily see some going alliance if the pay was right, but I’d expect them to be more problematic than grimtotem.

The new Tyrsguard has equal numbers of horde and alliance. Hopefully the future will put horde/alliance in the background and we operate through neutral organizations like that in stead. With a bit of luck they might even come up with some ‘horde flavoured’ institutions.

I get that and I agree, it’s just you can never tell with Blizzard and how things will play out. I personally don’t expect neutral Forest Trolls, as none of the current tribes like them at all, and we always have the Revantusk to give the Horde playable Forest Trolls. But should Blizzard go that route, the only ways I can see is happening if them using a completely different tribe or using a character from War3, that didn’t even warrant a side quest to control or kill him.

CC and Kirin Tor are night elf and human dominated still. When it comes to neuitral stuff it is usually alliance themed.